Ganancias y pérdidas del S&P 500 hoy: las ganancias del índice a medida que los datos de empleo aumentan la esperanza de una pausa en el aumento de las tasas.

Ganancias y pérdidas del S&P 500 hoy: las ganancias del índice a medida que los datos de empleo aumentan la esperanza de una pausa en el aumento de las tasas

Bill McColl tiene más de 25 años de experiencia como productor senior y escritor para televisión, radio y medios digitales, liderando equipos de presentadores, reporteros y editores en la creación de transmisiones de noticias, cubriendo algunas de las noticias más notables de la época.

Conclusiones clave

  • Las acciones estadounidenses continuaron su repunte, con el S&P 500 subiendo un 1,5% el martes 29 de agosto de 2023, impulsado por las acciones tecnológicas.
  • El mercado ganó debido a que una gran caída en las ofertas de empleo impulsó el optimismo de que la Reserva Federal podría reconsiderar futuras alzas de las tasas de interés.
  • Todas las acciones de FAAMG avanzaron al menos un 1%; Tesla fue la acción de mejor rendimiento en el S&P 500.

The rally for U.S. equities continued, with the S&P 500 jumping 1.5%, following a report showing July job openings sank to their lowest level in more than two years. That led to optimism the Fed may consider the labor market stable enough to pull back on interest rate hikes. The Nasdaq was up 1.7%, and the Dow gained about 0.9%. 

Tech stocks, which are more attractive when borrowing costs are lower, helped drive the gains. Shares of all the FAAMG companies added more than 1% and chipmakers surged. Tesla (TSLA) shares jumped 7.7% following a study that showed frequent fast charging doesn’t degrade the carmaker’s batteries, as had been previously believed. Shares of AT&T (T) picked up 4%, and Verizon Communications (VZ) shares rose 3%, as Citi upgraded both stocks, pointing to the companies’ abilities to keep paying their dividends. 

Best Buy (BBY) shares increased 4% after the electronics retailer exceeded profit and sales estimates and gave a positive outlook for the sector next year. Catalent (CTLT) shares added 4.75% as the biotech firm’s revenue was better than expected, and the company reached a settlement with activist investor Elliot Investment Management, which included adding new board members and reviewing its business strategy. 

Norfolk Southern (NSC) shares dropped 1.6% as the railroad said the impact of a hardware-related outage that disrupted train traffic across its network Monday could last for weeks. Shares of rival Union Pacific (UNP) were also down, falling 0.5%.