“It was a one-night stand”: how Schwarzenegger feels about the housekeeper who gave birth to his son.

“It was a one-night stand”: how Schwarzenegger feels about the housekeeper who gave birth to his son

It became known that Arnold is still interested in the life of his ex-lover. True, he does this indirectly.

In 1997, Terminator star Arnold Schwarzenegger had a son with housekeeper Mildred Baena. Joseph recently turned 26 years old. He maintains a warm relationship with his father, although he did not immediately recognize him. However, Iron Arnie could not help but do this - the young man is his exact copy.

However, if Schwarzenegger meets with Joseph often, the actor broke off all relations with his mother. DailyMail reports this.

Joseph and Mildred Baena
Joseph and Mildred Baena

According to the insider, Arnold has not seen Mildred for a long time - they do not have any relationship. But at the same time, the artist respects the woman as the mother of his child.

“Arnold and Mildred don’t talk very often, they barely meet, but he always asks Joseph how she’s doing and if everything is okay,” says the source.

Note that the relationship between Schwarzenegger and Baen began right under the nose of the actor’s official wife, Maria Shriver.

“It was a one-night stand that provided a lifelong connection, and Arnold took responsibility for it. Although the situation was not ideal and caused many problems, he loves his son. Arnold is not going to fight fate, it is what it is,” says the insider.

Mildred Baena
Mildred Baena

Maria, at that time still being Arnold's wife, had long suspected that the housekeeper and her husband had a relationship. Moreover, she watched Mildred’s son grow up and every day she was more and more amazed at how much he looked like Schwarzenegger.

At the age of 18, the young man even starred in a short video copying a fragment from James Cameron’s blockbuster “Terminator 2: Judgment Day,” which was released in 1991. The footage shows how Baena fit perfectly into the surroundings, repeating his father’s every move and even look.

Joseph Baena
Joseph Baena

After Arnold found out that he had an illegitimate son, difficult times began in his family.

“In one of the sessions, the consultant said: ''I think today Maria wants to be very specific about something. She wants to know if you are Joseph's father.'' Then I thought my heart had stopped, and then I simply told the truth: ''Yes, Mary, Joseph is my son.'' She was simply crushed by it,” Schwarzenegger once recalled.

It was not possible to save the star family.

Photo: Shutterstock/FOTODOM, Legion-Media.ru, social network