Decl's father, who abandoned his grandson, finally made peace with 18-year-old Anthony.

Decl's father, who abandoned his grandson, finally made peace with 18-year-old Anthony

Alexander Tolmatsky agreed to bury the hatchet and improve relations with his grandson after almost 15 years of conflict.

Kirill Tolmatsky, known as Decl, died in 2019 at the age of 35. The rapper died after a concert in Izhevsk due to heart problems - the tragedy came as a real shock to his family and the whole country. However, instead of uniting, the artist’s family moved away from each other.

Decl's son Anthony did not maintain relations with his paternal relatives - grandmother Irina and grandfather Alexander - for almost four years.

Decl's father, who abandoned his grandson, finally made peace with 18-year-old Anthony
Decl, Anthony Tolmatsky

18-year-old Tony has long followed in the musical footsteps of his father, building a career under the pseudonym Juzeppe Junior. However, even this fact did not bring him closer to his family. The young man explained that he did not want to communicate with his father’s parents, since his grandparents gave comments to the press after Decl’s death. But he was against making personal things public. 

Changes in the famous family began in early summer 2023. The only child of the late musician increasingly began to quarrel with his mother and could no longer live in an apartment where everything reminded him of his father. Therefore, Anthony made peace with his grandmother and moved in with her.

Decl's father, who abandoned his grandson, finally made peace with 18-year-old Anthony
Decl with his wife, mother and son

The grandson introduced Irina to his girlfriend, and she was only glad to finally be reunited with her loved one, who over the years becomes more and more like her son. 

With grandfather everything turned out to be more complicated. Even after a DNA test that confirmed their relationship, Alexander Tolmatsky did not want to see his grandson or communicate on any issues. The producer stated that he had no relationship with Tony. He does not monitor his career successes and does not intend to help the unemployed student financially. 

Decl's father, who abandoned his grandson, finally made peace with 18-year-old Anthony
Alexander Tolmatsky

But in the latest episode of the program “The Stars Are Aligned,” the 63-year-old businessman announced good news for all fans: he managed to establish contact with Kirill’s heir. Now Tony communicates with all his paternal relatives. The rapper's 18-year-old son decided to renew his relationship with his grandfather. Tolmatsky Sr. admitted that Anthony introduced him to his beloved.

“We started talking. He entered the university, I think, to study journalism. At first he moved out from his mother to his grandmother. Then we talked on the phone a little, and then he came to visit us with his girlfriend. He has such a good girlfriend. It’s important who he communicates with,” the producer noted .

Alexander Tolmatsky
Alexander Tolmatsky

On the issue of external similarity, Alexander does not agree with his ex-wife Irina. According to the man, the grandson inherited not Kirill’s facial features, but his voice: 

“He’s not like any of us at all. He's tall... different. He has now recorded the tracks. I listen and think: ''Maybe he took Kirill from Kirill's computer somewhere? ''That is, very similar voices."

Decl's father, who abandoned his grandson, finally made peace with 18-year-old Anthony
Anthony Tolmatsky
Kirill Tolmatsky

Now Decl’s father honestly declares: the long-term conflict is over. According to Alexander Yakovlevich, all his quarrels began with his son because of the Tolmatskys’ divorce: the musician sided with his mother.

“There is a problem that many mothers, when their father leaves, say: ''He left us.'' This is the wrong story. If they said: ''He left me,'' then such situations would not exist. This kind of opposition occurs. The situation is like this - probably the wife is to blame. She gave the wrong message at the initial stage. Of course, the woman has a grudge. I understand that I did not act very well towards her,” admitted Alexander Yakovlevich.

Photo: stills from video, social networks