Valery Meladze named the reason for his brother’s divorce from Vera Brezhneva.

Valery Meladze named the reason for his brother’s divorce from Vera Brezhneva

Internet users suggested that the couple separated due to politics, but the artist categorically rejected these speculations.

“We can only be at a distance and in weightlessness / If you want to fall, I won’t force you, if you want to fly, fly,” sings Valery Meladze in one of his most famous songs, “Salute, Vera.” It was written by his brother Konstantin Meladze and, as you might guess, dedicated to Vera Brezhneva.

In 2015, they got engaged in Italy after several years of secret romance. A classic love story between a producer and his ward, but some fans thought it was for real and forever. Did not work out. 2022 struck, and everything changed in the life of the star family.

Vera Brezhneva left Russia and forever severed ties with our country. For the last year and a half she has been living in Europe, where she helps Ukrainian refugees and tries to return to the stage. Personal problems were added to the professional problems: Vera separated from her husband. She reported this casually - in the announcement of her new album: “Divorce, transformation, gratitude, music and voice.”

Valery Meladze named the reason for his brother’s divorce from Vera Brezhneva
Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva

No one knows what caused the separation. Some talk about Konstantin’s betrayal (“A boomerang came to Vera”), others are sure: it’s a matter of politics. The producer's brother Valery Meladze commented on the latest rumors.

“How can you come up with such nonsense?! - Valery Meladze was indignant in a conversation with AiF . — Kostya is absolutely apolitical. They have enough of their own family differences.”

It turns out that it really is something personal. The heroes of this stellar separation themselves remain silent. Vera Brezhneva only asked to respect their decision: “Many speculative topics are being circulated on the Internet about why Konstantin and I broke up, but we would like to reserve the right not to comment on this . ”

Photo: social networks