Why you should transfer your child to online learning and how to choose a good school.

Why you should transfer your child to online learning and how to choose a good school

We tell you when distance classes can help parents out and how not to make mistakes when searching for an educational institution, together with “Online School No. 1”*.

In what cases may online training be needed?

1. Children don't like regular school.

The character and temperament of children vary. There are also reasons to dislike traditional classes and lessons. Sometimes it’s simple dissatisfaction with the quality of education, and sometimes it’s serious problems like bullying. A VTsIOM survey showed that such phenomena occur especially often at school: among people who have experienced bullying at least once in their lives, 38% experienced it during their studies.

Such episodes can cause severe psychological trauma and discourage the desire to attend classes for a long time. It happens that the problem is partially solved by transferring the child to a new school, but it is not always possible to find a worthy replacement in your city. The remote format will help here. It will allow you to endure a difficult period of adaptation in a calm home environment and without interrupting your studies.

2. It’s impossible to find a school with suitable teaching staff.

Difficulties can arise for various reasons. For example, it is difficult for a child to learn the methods and pace of mastering topics offered by teachers. Or parents are dissatisfied with the qualifications of the teaching staff.

It is possible to correct the situation by choosing a suitable alternative. However, there are pitfalls. A satisfactory school may be very far away - the journey to it will take time and tire both the child and the parents. The distance format eliminates this problem, because classes take place at home. In this case, before enrolling, you will be able to study the teaching staff in detail. And you won’t have to give up live lessons - they will simply move to video format.

3. The child is involved in a lot of sports or creativity.

In an online school you can combine education with great sports or creativity
Image: Dikushin Dmitry / Shutterstock

An impressive athletic or artistic career usually begins in early childhood. Training in professional figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics or swimming should start in preschool age. Child actors need to appear on film sets, musicians need to perform in competitions. In such cases, a regular school does not fit into a busy schedule, and the family faces a difficult choice: education or future career. In order for your child to keep up with his peers and successfully pass the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, you can think about online learning. In this format, as a rule, an individual schedule is available, so it will be easier to combine hobbies and studies.

For whatever reason you decide to transfer your child to distance learning, it is important to find an institution that meets all the standards of modern education. “Online school No. 1”* is the same as a regular school, just in the digital space. There are lessons, teachers, classmates and homework. This format allows children from grades 1 to 11 to receive a comfortable education, regardless of place of residence. Teachers help growing athletes and artists practice individual programs without sacrificing their professional interests. They also find an approach to all those who, for one reason or another, are not satisfied with traditional training.

Classes at Online School No. 1* are conducted in small groups: in primary classes - up to 12 people; in older children - up to 30. Homework is checked by a real teacher, who objectively assesses the child’s weaknesses and progress.

To get a consultation

4. The family travels often

Parents may move to other cities or countries for work or simply because of lifestyle, for example because they prefer to spend the winter in a warm climate. Children in this case significantly complicate logistics. They need to learn, but changing schools and environments every few months is stressful for the whole family. The child will have to constantly adapt and spend energy adapting to the new team. And parents worry whether their daughter or son will be able to adapt to the changed conditions.

Online education relieves this anxiety. Wherever the family ends up, the child will continue to “go” to the same school, with the usual teachers and classmates. In addition, lessons will be in the native language, and the format of classes and teaching standards will remain the same.

4 signs of a good online school

1. Has a state license and a network of partner schools

Even despite the absence of classrooms, a slate board and a canteen where compote is served, such an institution is still a school, and therefore must have a license from the Ministry of Education. This guarantees that the program will be drawn up taking into account federal standards and the child will receive confident knowledge in compulsory subjects. This means he can calmly prepare for final exams and think about entering a university. You can check the availability of a license through the register on the Rosobrnadzor website.

Another necessary criterion is the presence of a network of classical partner schools. The fact is that, according to the law, online institutions cannot independently conduct state certification. Partner schools solve this problem - there children calmly pass the knowledge test. And most importantly, at the end of the training they receive a state-issued certificate without any unnecessary hassles.

2. Provides a live learning process

Some online schools actually turn out to be regular platforms with recorded video lessons. You can just as easily watch educational videos on social networks. Good distance education is not an impersonal learning system in which students only need to read paragraphs and then take automated tests. Such schools should have teachers, live communication and feedback.

When choosing an educational institution, check the teaching staff, familiarize yourself with the grading system and make sure that they offer lessons in the format of online calls. It’s great if the school provides each child with a curator: such a specialist will help smoothly transition from the traditional model of learning to distance learning and will solve any student’s issue. Also look at class sizes. If in a regular school a teacher can still successfully cope with an audience of 30 students, then in Zoom this is difficult.

3. Offers a convenient platform for practicing

A good online school offers a convenient platform for classes
Image: Prostock‑studio / Shutterstock

Distance learning involves working at a computer, so the school’s online platform must meet modern standards. Freezing video and lagging sound will not make the child want to return to his digital classroom and will definitely make it difficult to understand the material. To avoid unpleasant discoveries about the school’s technical equipment, before enrolling, ask for a trial period of working with the system. This way you can check in real conditions how everything functions, and most importantly, whether this format is convenient for the child.

4. Provides the opportunity for socialization

School is needed not only to master subjects and get grades, but also to develop communication skills. Therefore, in addition to lessons and homework, there should be time for communication. This also applies to online education. Live video lessons with real teachers can already improve a child’s social skills a little. But other options are also possible: working on a project in pairs or a group, joint creation of presentations, extracurricular activities, collective calls with classmates. All this will help the student discover his abilities and develop not only within the framework of the lesson schedule.

It would be good if there was a psychologist at school along with this. It’s especially great if you can contact him anonymously. With such a specialist, the child will be able to calmly discuss relationships with classmates or teachers, learn to build personal boundaries and resolve conflicts.

Graduates of Online School No. 1* receive a state-issued certificate, and the institution itself has an official license. The school has 350 teachers and methodologists, plus there is a full-time psychologist who will help solve problems with adaptation, loss of motivation and accumulated fatigue. In addition, each child is assigned an individual curator who will answer any questions that arise throughout the training.

In addition to live lessons, a student can hone his knowledge in his personal account on the school platform: there are additional video materials, presentations and self-tests. To enroll in “Online School No. 1”* you do not need to pass entrance tests. And you can check whether your child is comfortable with this format at any time during the school year - the school has a free one-week trial period.

To learn more

* Based on the results of the All-Russian competition “100 Best Schools in Russia” 2019 in the category “Best Distance Learning School” in terms of satisfaction with the quality of education.