Poll: What pisses you off at the gym?.

Poll: What pisses you off at the gym?

In an ideal world, everyone takes away their ammunition and washes their clothes. But we are not in it.

In the gym you can not only pump up your body, but also relieve your head. Physical activity, a change of scenery, and sometimes casual communication between sets help you return home in a great mood.

But sometimes this doesn't happen. As in any other public place, in the gym there are annoying situations and individuals who do not care about the rules, even when it comes to their own safety.

As it turned out, according to the results of our survey, people are most upset by bad-smelling athletes, as well as traces of sweat and long waits for their turn in front of the exercise machine. And here’s what Propedia.org employees say about such factors:

Poll: What pisses you off at the gym?

Sergey Neumann

Sales employee at Propedia.org

It’s infuriating that they snort wildly smelly deodorants in the locker room. Use a roller or something else! It’s annoying when they don’t use deodorant and the room stinks like crazy. People who sit on their phones for five minutes at block exercise machines are infuriating, even though you can change the weight in three seconds and exercise with two people.

Poll: What pisses you off at the gym?

Yulia Lebedeva

Medical author of Propedia.org

It’s annoying when they don’t take their 25 kg weight plates off the machine! And when people sit on the exercise machine and don’t exercise, but are glued to their phones. Even when men gather three or four at a time at the exercise machine you need, they look sideways at you and giggle. Or they come up to meet you. And when girls in super-tight leggings don’t work out, but take pictures in the mirror for 15 minutes. It’s annoying when in the locker room they look you up and down and start asking about your tattoos. And also about acne, eczema - all this is not contagious, but people are like: “Ugh, why did you come?”

Poll: What pisses you off at the gym?

Maria Nikolaeva

HR Director at Propedia.org

It’s annoying when girlfriends occupy the exercise machine and take turns sitting and chatting on it. And also when they get up from the bench, and there is a puddle. And when your favorite treadmill is busy.

Poll: What pisses you off at the gym?

Viktor Podvolotskyi

Chief Editor of Propedia.org

The category of people who like to wander around the locker room naked is infuriating. They pretend that they are all in their own thoughts and that is why they did not put on panties. And if there is a hammam, then you must go there naked, across the entire hall.

Poll: What pisses you off at the gym?

Elena Gritsun

Propedia.org's proofreader

It’s incredibly annoying in the gym when people go to work out with a cough and fever during cold season. They also consider it a feat and overcoming oneself. And the coach also praises such people: they say, well done, you work on yourself, you go to results no matter what.

Poll: What pisses you off at the gym?

Natasha Kopylova

Author of Propedia.org

It’s annoying when people come back for the second time wearing unwashed clothes. Fresh sweat doesn't stink like that, but when yesterday's T-shirt gets wet, it's a gas attack. It’s annoying when they leave a puddle of sweat on the bench. When they come to work out in a group and occupy the gym for centuries, although most of the time they chat. People with portable speakers are annoying!!!

Poll: What pisses you off at the gym?

Olga Sytnik

Propedia.org's proofreader

I want to do stretching. And I really don’t like that during evening classes the floor in the hall is already noticeably dirty. Apparently, they only wash it in the morning and that’s it. At the same time, the club is popular, there is a conveyor of people doing it all day long. It’s especially infuriating to come across someone’s hair lying around.

Poll: What pisses you off at the gym?

Zhenya Vishnik

Editor of special projects of Propedia.org

The dudes who come in with unsolicited advice are annoying. Not coaches, but mere mortals. There are also fans of small talk on the path and those who want to meet. Content makers are infuriating when they occupy the simulator for 300 takes, then, without leaving the cash register, rewatch it and loudly comment on where they got up and sat down in the wrong place. And what also infuriates you are the text message people who try to take pictures of you without asking.

Poll: What pisses you off at the gym?

Elena Kotova

Propedia.org Psychologist

Male children, who are a little more and we will be the same height, in the women's locker room and stand with their faces ?️ ? ?️.

Poll: What pisses you off at the gym?

Iya Zorina

Medical author of Propedia.org

It infuriates me when I do a kettlebell snatch, and people walk past me very close, stand in front of me to warm up, or lie down to do their abs. It's simply unsafe! It’s nice, of course, that they believe in me so much, but the weight can fly out of your hand, especially at the end of the approach. But what infuriates me the most are people who smell throughout the whole room. It's not even annoying, it's simply unbearable!

What annoys you most in the gym? Share your pain in the comments.