Pumping: a short complex will load the abs and improve coordination.

Pumping: a short complex will load the abs and improve coordination

Four cool moves for an easy and fun workout.

This complex was invented by trainer Leandro Fornito (LeoMoves). He suggests using movements to develop coordination and promises that they will become easier for you each time.

How to do the workout

The complex consists of four exercises:

  1. Lifting with foot touch.
  2. Jumping while lying down.
  3. Reversals in a bearish plank.
  4. Raising arms and legs while lying down.

Perform each exercise for 40 seconds, rest for the remainder of the minute and move on to the next movement. At the end, pause for 60 seconds and repeat from the beginning. Do three circles, this will take 15 minutes.

If you get too tired after 40 seconds, you can reduce the time to 30 seconds and rest for half a minute.

How to do the exercises

1. Lifting with foot touch

Sit on the floor, straighten your right leg and bend your left at the knee. Place your right palm on the floor behind your body and, leaning on it and your left foot, lift your pelvis off the floor. Raise your straight right leg a little higher and touch the toe of your foot with your left hand.

Return your pelvis to the floor and change legs - bend the right one at the knee and straighten the left one. Repeat the movement in the other direction.

2. Jumping while lying down

Stand in a lying position, position your legs wider. Tighten your abs so that your back remains straight and your lower back does not sag. This is the starting position.

Jump and cross your legs so that your right leg is in front. At the same time, raise your left hand and touch your right shoulder, turning your body to the left. Jump back to the starting position.

Repeat the same on the other side. Cross your legs so that your left is in front, at the same time touch your left shoulder with your right hand and turn your body to the right. Return to the prone position and do it in the other direction.

3. Bearish plank reversals

Stand in a lying position and bend your legs at the knees and hip joints at a right angle or close to it. This is the starting position.

Bend your right arm and place your forearm on the floor, then do the same with your left arm to come into a bear plank position on your elbows.

Straighten your right arm and return your palm to the floor, and then lift your right leg off the floor and, leaning on the remaining limbs on the floor, turn to the right and stand with your stomach up.

Now you need to make a movement in the other direction. Lift your left leg and right arm off the floor and rotate to the left to return to a bear plank.

Place your left hand on your elbow, then your right. Return your left palm to the floor, lift your right leg and turn to the left to stand belly up. Continue in the same spirit.

4. Raising arms and legs while lying down

Stand in a lying position: feet hip-width apart, hands shoulder-width apart. Bend your right knee as if you were about to get into a bear plank, and then simultaneously lift and extend your left leg and right arm. Spend a second in this position and return your palm and foot to the floor.

Change legs - straighten your right leg and bend your left, and then lift your right leg and left arm off the floor. Continue alternating sides until the end of the interval.

Let me know how you like the workout. Was it easy to maintain balance?