You need to take: a smart blood pressure monitor from SberHealth with a subscription to specialist consultations.

He will measure your blood pressure and ask how you are feeling in the voice of Leonardo DiCaprio.

Almost half of people living with hypertension are unaware of their condition. Increased pressure can be asymptomatic, and therefore the only reliable way to notice the problem is to measure the indicators from time to time. You can do this yourself - just have a blood pressure monitor in your home medicine cabinet.

The device from SberZdorovya is automatic, so you don’t have to bother with a bulb and stethoscope. It will easily check your blood pressure and pulse, just put on the cuff and press the button. But that is not all. The tonometer transmits data to a mobile application. This allows you to track your condition over time and identify triggers that provoke surges. For example, stress or lack of sleep.

If the indicators deviate from the norm, the owner of the gadget will receive advice by phone or online. Experienced specialists who have been trained at Sechenov University will tell you how to alleviate the condition, and if necessary, recommend undergoing a full examination. If the upper pressure limit exceeds 180 mm Hg. Art., then a button will appear in the mobile application, by clicking on which a person can immediately call an ambulance.

The device is suitable for older people: it has a bright display with large numbers, and the buttons and interface are in Russian. The tonometer is compact, so you can take it with you anywhere, for example to the country house or on a business trip. And the gadget also talks like the “domestic” Leonardo DiCaprio. All teams were voiced by Sergei Burunov, who was the official voice of the actor in more than a dozen films.

You can buy a tonometer on marketplaces, and in the ePapteka online store the first 25 customers will be given a 15% discount using the promotional code SBER1511CA1E3. By the way, each new owner will receive a subscription to specialist supervision for three months free of charge.

Where can I buy

  • "SberMegaMarket" for 2,490 rubles →
  • "eApteka" for 2,490 rubles →
  • Ozon for 2,538 rubles →

Please note: all prices are correct at the time of publication. Stores and services can update the prices of goods and services throughout the day.

Before using a smart blood pressure monitor from SberHealth, consult a specialist
Google images Before using a smart blood pressure monitor from SberHealth, consult a specialist