The Chrome browser on Android has learned to read the contents of web pages in Russian.

The Chrome browser on Android has learned to read the contents of web pages in Russian

The function has a number of convenient settings.

The Google Chrome browser for Android devices has added a feature that may be useful for those who do not have time to read large amounts of text on web pages. Now in the menu, which is called up by clicking on the three dots, you can select the “Speak this page” function.

The Chrome browser on Android has learned to read the contents of web pages in Russian
Google images Chrome browser on Android has learned to read the contents of web pages in Russian
The Chrome browser on Android has learned to read the contents of web pages in Russian
Google images Chrome browser on Android has learned to read the contents of web pages in Russian

The browser reads the text on the page, highlighting the corresponding words. Playback will continue even if you turn off the screen. Moreover, it can be adjusted. At the bottom of the browser there is a control menu that allows you to pause, fast forward or rewind the audio. There are also speed settings from slowdown (0.5x) to acceleration (4x). You can also choose the voice that reads the text. There are two voiceover options available in Russian.

The Chrome browser on Android has learned to read the contents of web pages in Russian
Google images Chrome browser on Android has learned to read the contents of web pages in Russian
The Chrome browser on Android has learned to read the contents of web pages in Russian
Google images Chrome browser on Android has learned to read the contents of web pages in Russian

The feature appears gradually on different devices. But you can speed up getting it manually through the experimental capabilities section of the browser. To do this, enter chrome://flags/#read-aloud into the search bar and activate the highlighted item. All you have to do is restart the application and you can use it.