80 of the Best Would You Rather Prompts.

80 of the Best Would You Rather Prompts

An exhaustive list of the juiciest icebreaker questions

Would you rather break the ice with a new group of people, or have everyone sit in awkward silence? How about this one: Would you rather endure small talk, or get straight to the hard hitting questions? The answers are obvious (at least for us) which is why we’ve assembled 80 of the funniest, flirtiest, grossest, scariest, and deepest would you rather questions. Get ready to make some tough calls, because these are sure to get any group talking.

Things You Should Know

  • Ask funny would you rather questions around friends or new acquaintances.
  • Use flirty would you rather questions on your date or your crush.
  • Ask deep or hard would you rather questions to skip straight to the profound conversation.



  1. Step 1 …let your dad or let your ex make your next dating app profile?
    Google images Step 1 …let your dad or let your ex make your next dating app profile?
    …let your dad or let your ex make your next dating app profile?
  2. …have to fight 1 horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?
  3. …have toes for fingers or fingers for toes?
  4. …have your ringtone be someone screaming or someone cursing?
  5. Step 5 …always have your shoes untied or always have toilet paper stuck to your shoe?
    Google images Step 5 …always have your shoes untied or always have toilet paper stuck to your shoe?
    …always have your shoes untied or always have toilet paper stuck to your shoe?
  6. …only take 4-hour baths or only take cold showers?
  7. …burp every time you kiss someone or pass gas every time you’re introduced to someone?
  8. …only listen to music you hate or only listen to music everyone else hates?
  9. …be a human in a zoo exhibit or a wild animal in a crowded city?
  10. Step 10 …be intensely afraid of cars or intensely afraid of digital screens?
    Google images Step 10 …be intensely afraid of cars or intensely afraid of digital screens?
    …be intensely afraid of cars or intensely afraid of digital screens?
  11. …only eat food that’s too spicy (for you) or only eat food with no flavor?
  12. …have a permanent terrible haircut or only dress in terrible outfits?
  13. …let your parents or let your boss see your browsing history?


  1. …kiss a stranger or kiss your best friend?
  2. Step 2 …compete on Love is Blind or compete on Love Island?
    Google images Step 2 …compete on Love is Blind or compete on Love Island?
    …compete on Love is Blind or compete on Love Island?
  3. …go on a movie date or a concert date?
  4. …play Spin the Bottle or play Truth or Dare?
  5. …get back with your ex or be roommates with your ex?
  6. …have the perfect partner only for a year or have an okay partner for life?
  7. Step 7 …hold hands with your celebrity crush or kiss your real-life crush?
    Google images Step 7 …hold hands with your celebrity crush or kiss your real-life crush?
    …hold hands with your celebrity crush or kiss your real-life crush?
  8. …go on a blind date or go on a speed date?
  9. …be good at physical intimacy or good at emotional intimacy?
  10. …have a good date with the wrong person or have a bad date with the perfect person?
  11. …propose (or be proposed to) in public or in private?


  1. Step 1 …sweat liquid cheese or constantly smell like skunk?
    Google images Step 1 …sweat liquid cheese or constantly smell like skunk?
    …sweat liquid cheese or constantly smell like skunk?
  2. …live in the sewer or spend every night in a port-a-potty?
  3. …drink spoiled milk or eat moldy bread?
  4. …have a runny nose for a full day without tissues or have a visible rash for a week?
  5. …use lotion as toothpaste or toothpaste as lotion?
  6. Step 6 …always need to sneeze or always need to use the bathroom?
    Google images Step 6 …always need to sneeze or always need to use the bathroom?
    …always need to sneeze or always need to use the bathroom?
  7. …have rats in your kitchen or roaches in your bed?
  8. …use someone else’s dirty underwear or use someone else’s toothbrush?
  9. …always wear wet socks or never wear anything?
  10. …walk barefoot through poison ivy or walk barefoot through a dirty litter box?


  1. Step 1 …spend the night in an abandoned hospital or spend the night in a graveyard?
    Google images Step 1 …spend the night in an abandoned hospital or spend the night in a graveyard?
    …spend the night in an abandoned hospital or spend the night in a graveyard?
  2. …encounter a ghost or encounter an alien?
  3. …wake up during surgery or witness a murder?
  4. …be hunted by Michael Myers from Halloween or be hunted by The Predator?
  5. …go bungee jumping with a frayed bungee cord or skydive with a parachute that has holes?
  6. Step 6 …be trapped in a maze or trapped in a tight space?
    Google images Step 6 …be trapped in a maze or trapped in a tight space?
    …be trapped in a maze or trapped in a tight space?
  7. …commit murder or be murdered?
  8. …have to survive zombies or have to survive a natural disaster?
  9. …know how you’re going to die or know when you’re going to die?
  10. …save 10 strangers or save 1 close friend?
  11. Step 11 …be buried alive or fall to your death?
    Google images Step 11 …be buried alive or fall to your death?
    …be buried alive or fall to your death?

Pop Culture

  1. …spend a day with Lizzo or a day with Dolly Parton?
  2. …be Harry Styles or date Harry Styles?
  3. …watch only The Office or only Parks and Recreation for the rest of your life?
  4. …use only Twitter or only Instagram for the rest of your life?
  5. Step 5 …be an influencer or a Hollywood actor?
    Google images Step 5 …be an influencer or a Hollywood actor?
    …be an influencer or a Hollywood actor?
  6. …go to the Euphoria school or go to the Sex Education school?
  7. …have only Netflix or have only Spotify?
  8. …watch only animated movies or only live-action movies?
  9. …live in a Disney movie or live in a DreamWorks movie?
  10. Step 10 …have free lifetime tickets to Lady Gaga concerts or to Beyoncé concerts?
    Google images Step 10 …have free lifetime tickets to Lady Gaga concerts or to Beyoncé concerts?
    …have free lifetime tickets to Lady Gaga concerts or to Beyoncé concerts?
  11. …make your favorite book into a movie or into a television series?


  1. …lose all your friends by doing the right thing or gain new friends by doing something terrible?
  2. …live a very long and dull life or live a very short and fun life?
  3. …lose all your memories or lose all your talents?
  4. Step 4 …be a great but unrecognized artist or be a terrible but famous artist?
    Google images Step 4 …be a great but unrecognized artist or be a terrible but famous artist?
    …be a great but unrecognized artist or be a terrible but famous artist?
  5. …have brilliant but mean friends or have dull but kind friends?
  6. …be wealthy and unhappy or broke and happy?
  7. …be able to pause your life or be able to rewind your life?
  8. …be buried or cremated?
  9. Step 9 …earn your achievements or be able to buy your way into success?
    Google images Step 9 …earn your achievements or be able to buy your way into success?
    …earn your achievements or be able to buy your way into success?
  10. …your funeral be sad or your funeral be celebratory?
  11. …find your soulmate or find your purpose?
  12. …die before or after your soulmate?


  1. …serve a 5-year prison sentence or be in a coma for 10 years?
  2. Step 2 …live without all social media or live without a phone?
    Google images Step 2 …live without all social media or live without a phone?
    …live without all social media or live without a phone?
  3. …forget how to speak or constantly say things you don’t mean?
  4. …be a respected author or a respected actor?
  5. …always be tired with things to do or always be energetic with nothing to do?
  6. …always have a charged phone or always have gas in your car?
  7. Step 7 …get a paper cut every time you touch something or get a headache every time you open your eyes?
    Google images Step 7 …get a paper cut every time you touch something or get a headache every time you open your eyes?
    …get a paper cut every time you touch something or get a headache every time you open your eyes?
  8. …have the same dream every night or always have the same song stuck in your head?
  9. …solve world hunger or solve climate change?
  10. …change the results of the last election or decide who wins in the next election?
  11. Step 11 …lose your short-term memory or lose your long-term memory?
    Google images Step 11 …lose your short-term memory or lose your long-term memory?
    …lose your short-term memory or lose your long-term memory?