30 Undeniable Signs That He’s Harboring Strong Feelings for You.

30 Undeniable Signs That He’s Harboring Strong Feelings for You

How to tell if his feelings for you go beyond just wanting to be friends

Ah, the age-old question: does he have feelings for me? Even though it might feel like you’re trying to crack a secret code, there are actually plenty of hints he can give (both consciously and subconsciously) that’ll reveal if he’s harboring some stronger feelings for you. So what kinds of signals should you be looking out for? Keep reading to find out.

This article is based on an interview with our dating coach, Eddy Baller, owner of Conquer and Win. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • A guy who has strong feelings for you will want to know everything about you and will make a genuine effort to get to know you better.
  • He'll also use body language that makes him appear more approachable, like eye contact and having an open, relaxed posture.
  • He'll probably be comfortable confiding in you about his emotions and telling you about what’s happening in his life.
  • He'll likely make an effort to spend time with you and talk to you often, whether in person or over the phone.



He wants to know more about you.

  1. When guys are really into someone, they want to learn everything they can about them.
    Google images When guys are really into someone, they want to learn everything they can about them.
    When guys are really into someone, they want to learn everything they can about them. A guy who has some strong feelings for you wants to know every single thing about you. From surface level things like your favorite color and food, to more personal things like your happiest memory or your dreams for the future. He probably wants to ask you all kinds of questions, so have your answers ready.
    • In return, you can ask him similar questions if you’re interested.
    • Even if you’ve been friends for a while, this is a great opportunity to get to know him on a whole new level.

He shows genuine interest in what you have to say.

  1. Men really pay attention when they’re talking to someone they care about.
    Google images Men really pay attention when they’re talking to someone they care about.
    Men really pay attention when they’re talking to someone they care about. One way you can tell is by his body language. When you talk, he might lean forward, maintain eye contact, or tilt his head to the side to show he’s genuinely interested in and curious about what you have to say. He is also quiet and attentive when you talk, and he doesn’t try to cut you off or interject his own opinion too often.
    • Another way he might show he’s really listening to you is by asking thoughtful questions based on what you said.

He wants to keep the conversation going.

  1. A guy who likes you will want to talk to you for as long as possible.
    Google images A guy who likes you will want to talk to you for as long as possible.
    A guy who likes you will want to talk to you for as long as possible. He’ll probably always have another interesting question or opinion at the ready so that he can keep the conversation going with you. A guy who has strong feelings for you wants to spend as much time with you as possible, so they’ll likely make an effort to keep talking to you—possibly until you both actually run out of things to say.

He remembers the small details about you.

  1. People just generally remember more about the people they like.
    Google images People just generally remember more about the people they like.
    People just generally remember more about the people they like. Even if you just mention something in passing, it’s likely that he’s filing that away for later. He might use this information to give you a really thoughtful gift later on or do something nice for you that you mentioned liking.

He compliments you a lot.

  1. He wants to show that he appreciates you and finds you attractive.
    Google images He wants to show that he appreciates you and finds you attractive.
    He wants to show that he appreciates you and finds you attractive. While he may be a bit shy when he says it, a guy who has some strong feelings for you makes sure to point out all the great things about you. The way he compliments you can range from praising your style, your achievements, or your goals. Some nice things he could say include:
    • “Is that a new shirt? It looks really good on you!”
    • “You did so well on that project the other day. I’m proud of you!”
    • “I think the work you’re doing is so awesome and inspiring.”

He often reminds you how much you mean to him.

  1. He wants to make sure you know how important you are to him.
    Google images He wants to make sure you know how important you are to him.
    He wants to make sure you know how important you are to him. If you’ve been friends for a while, you might notice that he doesn’t miss an opportunity to tell you how much he values having you in his life. Even if he doesn’t explicitly say that he might want something more with you, you can definitely tell he has stronger feelings for you from how much he cherishes and loves the relationship you do have.

He goes out of his way for you.

  1. This is a guy’s way of making sure you’re taken care of.
    Google images This is a guy’s way of making sure you’re taken care of.
    This is a guy’s way of making sure you’re taken care of. Things like going grocery shopping with you, helping you set up a new piece of furniture, or walking your dog when you’re out of town are all things he might do to both spend more time with you and make sure your needs are taken care of. A guy who has strong feelings for you likely wants you to be happy and stress-free at all times, so he’ll do what he can for you.
    • He might even go so far as to do things that could be an inconvenience to him, but he’ll be happy to do it if it’s for you.
    • He might drive you all the way to the airport or to your work that’s in the opposite direction of his own office. Or maybe he’ll cancel his plans to help you move.
    • If he’s long-distance, he might send you money to buy yourself a nice meal or will carve out time specifically in his schedule to talk to you.

He tries to make you laugh.

  1. A man might think you’ll find him more appealing if he can make you smile.
    Google images A man might think you’ll find him more appealing if he can make you smile.
    A man might think you’ll find him more appealing if he can make you smile. Whether it’s with a funny joke or by doing something silly, a guy who has feelings for you will try his best to make you laugh. Just like the saying goes, if you’re happy, he’s happy. He’s also likely trying to impress you with his charm and wit to make himself appear more attractive to you.
    • If he teases you, just know that it’s likely because he finds it super cute and endearing when you get all flustered and a bit irked.
    • Feel free to tease him right back, but just make sure you’re both being respectful and not crossing any boundaries.

He smiles more when he’s around you.

  1. He’s probably just genuinely happier when you’re together and can’t hide it.
    Google images He’s probably just genuinely happier when you’re together and can’t hide it.
    He’s probably just genuinely happier when you’re together and can’t hide it. You probably know from firsthand experience how difficult it is to hold in a bright smile whenever you see someone you like or something that’s just really cute. Well, a guy who has feelings for you is probably experiencing the exact same thing, and you’re the person who's making this big goofy grin appear on his face.
    • If you have feelings for him too, why not do your best to keep him smiling and laughing while you’re together?
    • Tell him a funny story or joke and goof around when you’re together to make him feel at ease around you.

He makes eye contact when you talk.

  1. This is a man’s way of telling you he only has eyes for you.
    Google images This is a man’s way of telling you he only has eyes for you.
    This is a man’s way of telling you he only has eyes for you. Maintaining eye contact with someone isn’t an easy thing to do. When we’re shy or nervous, we tend to look literally anywhere else than directly into the other person’s eyes. If you notice he maintains steady eye contact with you, that’s a pretty big sign that he’s interested in you. He’s focusing all of his attention on you and basically tuning out everything else out.​​
    • Of course, there’s a difference between intently gazing at you out of interest and just flat out staring. Paying attention to his body language, like if he’s smiling and nodding his head, can help in making this distinction.
    • Some guys might find it even more difficult to make eye contact with you because they’re shy.

You catch him staring at you.

  1. Guys usually can’t help looking at the object of their affection.
    Google images Guys usually can’t help looking at the object of their affection.
    Guys usually can’t help looking at the object of their affection. You feel his eyes on you, but he looks away as soon as you catch him. Is this not a scene stolen straight from a romance movie? Our eyes are naturally drawn to the things we like, so you can likely catch him staring at you from across the room, even if he tries to hide it by quickly looking away.
    • He might be mustering up the courage to come talk to you, or he’s staring because he finds you really attractive.

He’s more physically affectionate around you.

  1. He’s testing out the waters and seeing how comfortable you are with being touched.
    Google images He’s testing out the waters and seeing how comfortable you are with being touched.
    He’s testing out the waters and seeing how comfortable you are with being touched. This might be his attempt to get closer to you and bridge the distance—both metaphorical and physical—between you two. While you’re talking, he might casually touch your arm or elbow, or lean on you when he’s laughing. He might even go a bit further and touch your back or try to hold your hand when you’re walking, which can be more obvious signs that he has feelings for you.
    • If his touches make you uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to tell him to stop, even if you know he doesn’t mean to cause harm or discomfort.

His body language is relaxed and open.

  1. Men adjust their body language around people they like to appear approachable and friendly.
    Google images Men adjust their body language around people they like to appear approachable and friendly.
    Men adjust their body language around people they like to appear approachable and friendly. The body language of someone who’s comfortable around you includes things like leaning towards you when you speak, sitting back relaxed when in a chair, and keeping their arms by their side instead of crossing them. A guy who has feelings for you will likely want to look approachable and like someone you can be comfortable around.
    • Other things he might do include using big, sweeping gestures to appear more friendly and mirroring your own movements.
    • A lack of fidgeting on his part means he’s both comfortable and doesn’t want to make you nervous either.

He makes an effort to look good for you.

  1. He likely wants to do everything he can to make himself more attractive to you.
    Google images He likely wants to do everything he can to make himself more attractive to you.
    He likely wants to do everything he can to make himself more attractive to you. If you noticed that he wears nicer clothes or comes with his hair styled to perfection when he meets up with you, it might mean that he’s harboring some feelings for you. Of course, some guys just naturally put in the effort to look good, but if you notice a big difference between how he looks when he’s with you versus other people, it might be because he likes you.
    • If you notice he’s putting a bit more effort into his appearance just for you, be sure to compliment him and let him know you notice and appreciate the effort.

He contacts you more often.

  1. He’ll text and call you more just so he can keep talking to you.
    Google images He’ll text and call you more just so he can keep talking to you.
    He’ll text and call you more just so he can keep talking to you. It’s likely that he’s not spamming you 24/7 with messages, but you’ve probably noticed that you two talk a lot more often than you might have previously. A guy who has strong feelings for you just wants to keep talking to you, whether it’s in person or over the phone, since you’re likely constantly running through his mind.
    • He might send you little texts throughout the day to let you know how his day is going. Or he might call you to rant all about what’s been going on.
    • If he’s long-distance, he might make an extra effort to always respond to your texts and calls quickly so you know you’re a priority.

He misses you when you’re gone.

  1. He probably isn’t too fond of the idea of you being away for a long time.
    Google images He probably isn’t too fond of the idea of you being away for a long time.
    He probably isn’t too fond of the idea of you being away for a long time. Even though you’re not going to be there to witness it firsthand, you might hear from your friends that he’s extra mopey when you’re not around. He might text and call you even more when you two don’t get to meet up as often. If he’s feeling something strong for you, he probably just wants to spend as much time with you as possible.
    • Or maybe he’ll pull a reverse card on you and do things to make you miss him, such as not texting you as often.

He gets jealous about other guys.

  1. Some men can be a bit territorial of the people they like and care about.
    Google images Some men can be a bit territorial of the people they like and care about.
    Some men can be a bit territorial of the people they like and care about. Fidgeting, crossing his arms, or glaring when you mention other men in your life are all signs that he’s jealous. When you’re around other guys, you might notice that he tries to stand a bit taller and appear more imposing. To him, other men are probably a threat that could get in the way of his feelings for you.

He checks in on you often.

  1. He just wants to know if you’re okay and maybe if he can see you later.
    Google images He just wants to know if you’re okay and maybe if he can see you later.
    He just wants to know if you’re okay and maybe if he can see you later. If he has strong f