How to Make a Werewolf in the Sims 2.

How to Make a Werewolf in the Sims 2

In Sims 2, you already know the mysterious secrets of aliens, vampires, plant Sims and more. Now is the time to create a werewolf, either by playing the normal way (hard) or the cheat way (easier).


Method 1

The Normal Way

  1. Step 1 Look around your house at nighttime to see if you can spot a dog with bright yellow eyes (this would be a wolf).
    Google images Step 1 Look around your house at nighttime to see if you can spot a dog with bright yellow eyes (this would be a wolf).
    Look around your house at nighttime to see if you can spot a dog with bright yellow eyes (this would be a wolf).
  2. Step 2 If you can't find one, put a bowl filled with dog food or something that would attract the dog to your house.
    Google images Step 2 If you can't find one, put a bowl filled with dog food or something that would attract the dog to your house.
    If you can't find one, put a bowl filled with dog food or something that would attract the dog to your house.
  3. Step 3 Make friends with the dog.
    Google images Step 3 Make friends with the dog.
    Make friends with the dog. This might take a while because the dog will leave and then come back again.
  4. Step 4 Wait to be bitten.
    Google images Step 4 Wait to be bitten.
    Wait to be bitten. Eventually, once you're very close to the wolf, it will bite you. This will cause you to become a werewolf Sim.
Method 2

Using a Cheat in Neighborhood Mode

  1. Step 1 Go into neighborhood mode.
    Google images Step 1 Go into neighborhood mode.
    Go into neighborhood mode. Hit Ctrl, Shift and C on your keyboard at the same time. Enter the following cheat in the bar that pops up: boolProp testingcheatsenabled true.
  2. Step 2 Click on any lot to play it.
    Google images Step 2 Click on any lot to play it.
    Click on any lot to play it.
  3. Step 3 Enter the house.
    Google images Step 3 Enter the house.
    Enter the house. Shift + click on the mailbox and find 'Make NPC' on the first page. A menu will appear.
  4. How to Make a Werewolf in the Sims 2
    Google images How to Make a Werewolf in the Sims 2
    Click "more" until you find "Leader of the Pack". Click that option.
  5. Wait a few seconds and a wolf with glowing eyes should appear. Greet it, then pause your game.
    • Go to your Sim's relationships panel and find the wolf. It should probably be the first option. Drag both the bars up to 100%.
      Step 5 Wait a few seconds and a wolf with glowing eyes should appear.
      Google images Step 5 Wait a few seconds and a wolf with glowing eyes should appear.
  6. Step 6 Shift + click on the werewolf.
    Google images Step 6 Shift + click on the werewolf.
    Shift + click on the werewolf. Click "Make selectable".
    • The wolf should now be controllable; go to its relationship panel, find your Sim and drag them both up to 100%.
      Step 6 Shift + click on the werewolf.
      Google images Step 6 Shift + click on the werewolf.
  7. Step 7 Have the Sim play with the dog.
    Google images Step 7 Have the Sim play with the dog.
    Have the Sim play with the dog. Once they have met, drag both relationship bars up again.
  8. Step 8 Play with the dog once more until your Sim and the wolf are friends.
    Google images Step 8 Play with the dog once more until your Sim and the wolf are friends.
    Play with the dog once more until your Sim and the wolf are friends.
  9. Step 9 Wait a few minutes.
    Google images Step 9 Wait a few minutes.
    Wait a few minutes. An action should pop up. If you mouse over it, it should say 'Nibble'. Don't cancel it.
  10. How to Make a Werewolf in the Sims 2
    Google images How to Make a Werewolf in the Sims 2
    Shift + click on the werewolf and click "make unselectable". You will be bitten and become a werewolf!
Method 3

Playing as a Werewolf

  1. Step 1 Get out and be a werewolf.
    Google images Step 1 Get out and be a werewolf.
    Get out and be a werewolf. If it's already nighttime, your Sim will transform instantly. If it isn't, you won't notice any difference until 8PM Sim time. That's when your Sim transforms.
  2. Remove the werewolf ability. If you ever want your Sim to stop being a wolf, just call the obedience trainer and buy Lycanthropic-B. Or, if you have Apartment Life, just have a witch or warlock that your werewolf knows make the potion.
  3. Step 3 Have fun with your new creation.
    Google images Step 3 Have fun with your new creation.
    Have fun with your new creation.



  • Not everyone likes using Boolprop. After you're done, turn it off by typing the same cheat, but instead of 'true', write 'false'. You can make it without the cheat, but it is much harder to get the wolf onto the lot. If you want to, however, wolves like wooded areas and are attracted to toddlers and babies. Thanks Helpful 19 Not Helpful 1
  • It won't work unless the wolf is the leader of the pack. You can tell if it is, because the leader has glowing yellow eyes. Thanks Helpful 14 Not Helpful 2
  • You may have to research ways to cure your Sim. Thanks Helpful 30 Not Helpful 13

Things You'll Need

  • Sims 2 PC
  • Sims 2 Pets PC (Pets expansion)
  • Any Sim who is a teen or older
  • Your sim to have the Knowledge aspiration (not vital, but it does help)