How to Make Your Sims' Needs Static.

How to Make Your Sims' Needs Static

If you're using Sims for storytelling purposes or are finding it hard to take care of a large household, you can freeze your Sims' needs in place so you don't need to attend to their needs. This wikiHow will teach you how to make your Sims' needs static.


Method 1

Sims 4

  1. Step 1 Open your game.
    Google images Step 1 Open your game.
    Open your game. Let the game load, and open the world or save file with the household whose motives you want to freeze.
  2. Step 2 Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C.
    Google images Step 2 Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C.
    Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C. The cheat console will pop up at the top of the screen.
    • On PS4 and Xbox One, hold down the four shoulder buttons on the back of your controller.
  3. Step 3 Type in testingcheats true.
    Google images Step 3 Type in testingcheats true.
    Type in testingcheats true. Press ↵ Enter to enable the cheat.
  4. Step 4 Shift-click on the mailbox.
    Google images Step 4 Shift-click on the mailbox.
    Shift-click on the mailbox. Hold down ⇧ Shift and click on the mailbox. Several options should come up.
    • On PS4, press X and O at the same time to shift-click.
    • On Xbox One, press A and B simultaneously.
  5. Step 5 Click Disable Need Decay.
    Google images Step 5 Click Disable Need Decay.
    Click Disable Need Decay. Your Sims' motives should freeze in place.
    • To enable motive decay again, shift-click the mailbox and select Enable Need Decay.
    • Your Sims may still experience some motive drops if they drink something or work out.

    Tip: To max out your Sims' motives, shift-click the mailbox, choose "Fill Motives", and then choose whether it affects just the household or all Sims in the world.

Method 2

Sims 3

  1. Step 1 Open your game.
    Google images Step 1 Open your game.
    Open your game. Let the game load, and open the world or save file with the household whose motives you want to freeze.
  2. Step 2 Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C.
    Google images Step 2 Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C.
    Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C. The cheat console will pop up at the top of the screen.
  3. Step 3 Type in testingcheatsenabled true.
    Google images Step 3 Type in testingcheatsenabled true.
    Type in testingcheatsenabled true.

    Tip: To max out your Sims' motives, click and drag them with the cursor. You can also hold Control and click on negative moodlets to remove them.

  4. Step 4 Shift-click on the mailbox.
    Google images Step 4 Shift-click on the mailbox.
    Shift-click on the mailbox. Hold down ⇧ Shift and click on the mailbox on your Sim's home lot. Several options should come up.
  5. Step 5 Click Make Needs Static.
    Google images Step 5 Click Make Needs Static.
    Click Make Needs Static. All Sims in the household will have their motives freeze in place, and will no longer experience any motive decay.
    • To enable motive decay again, shift-click on the mailbox and click Make Needs Dynamic.
Method 3

Sims 2

  1. Step 1 Open your game.
    Google images Step 1 Open your game.
    Open your game. Let the game load, and enter the neighborhood of the household whose motives you want to freeze.
  2. Step 2 Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C.
    Google images Step 2 Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C.
    Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C. The cheat console will open up at the top of the game window.
  3. Step 3 Type boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true.
    Google images Step 3 Type boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true.
    Type boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true. Press ↵ Enter to enable the cheat.

    Tip: If you enter in the cheat before entering a lot, you'll be able to drag your Sims' motives with the cursor.

  4. Step 4 Shift-click on the mailbox.
    Google images Step 4 Shift-click on the mailbox.
    Shift-click on the mailbox. Enter the household you want to play (if you haven't already.) Hold down ⇧ Shift and click on the mailbox at the front of the lot. Multiple debugging cheats should pop up.
  5. Step 5 Click *House.
    Google images Step 5 Click *House.
    Click *House. This will open up another menu.
  6. Step 6 Click Make All Motives Static.
    Google images Step 6 Click Make All Motives Static.
    Click Make All Motives Static. Your Sims' motives should freeze in their current positions.
    • To reenable motive decay, shift-click the mailbox and select Make All Motives Dynamic.
  7. Step 7 Use motivedecay if you have Nightlife, Open for Business, or Pets.
    Google images Step 7 Use motivedecay if you have Nightlife, Open for Business, or Pets.
    Use motivedecay if you have Nightlife, Open for Business, or Pets. If you have Nightlife, Open for Business, or Pets installed, you can use the motivedecay cheat to freeze your Sims' motives.
    • Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C to open the cheat console.
    • Type motivedecay off.
    • Press ↵ Enter. Your Sims' motives should become static.
    • To turn off motivedecay, press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C, type motivedecay on, and press ↵ Enter. Your Sims' motives should start moving again.

    Tip: These expansions also contain the maxmotives cheat, which will fill up all of your Sims' needs (except Environment).


  • Unfortunately, there's no way to make your Sims' motives static on The Sims 1, The Sims Mobile, or The Sims Freeplay. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Testingcheats is extremely powerful in Sims 2 and has options that can corrupt your game if misused. Don't select an option if you don't know what it does. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0