Cute Responses to “Why Do You Love Him?” (Plus, Signs You’re in Love).

Cute Responses to “Why Do You Love Him?” (Plus, Signs You’re in Love)

Create the perfect reply when your bf or someone else asks this burning question

If your boyfriend asks why you love him, it can be tricky to come up with a response on the spot, especially when there are tons of reasons you appreciate him. While you can throw out a generic compliment, there are plenty of responses that are much more meaningful and genuine—and we’re providing the ultimate list to help you out! In this article, we’ll give you ideas for what to say when your boyfriend asks, “why do you love me?” We’ll also explain what to say if someone else asks why you love him, as well as common signs to see if you’re really in love.

This article is based on an interview with our licensed clinical psychologist and relationship coach, Sarah Schewitz, founder of Couples Learn. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • If your boyfriend asks why you love him, trigger his hero instinct by saying you feel safe by his side.
  • Validate his role in your relationship by thanking him for his listening skills or willingness to spend time with you.
  • Lighten the mood by complimenting his physical appearance or sense of humor.


When Your Boyfriend Asks Why You Love Him

  1. Step 1 “I feel an emotional connection with you.”
    Google images Step 1 “I feel an emotional connection with you.”
    “I feel an emotional connection with you.” Does it feel like you’ve known your boyfriend your entire life—even if you’ve just met? If so, you may have found your soulmate. This type of relationship is the one you hear about in romantic books and movies, and saying you feel a deep, otherworldly connection to someone is one of the most powerful ways to express love.
  2. Step 2 “I feel safe with you.”
    Google images Step 2 “I feel safe with you.”
    “I feel safe with you.” Men have an instinctive drive to protect their partners, so they love to feel needed and desired. To show gratitude to your boyfriend and ensure he feels wanted, make him feel like a hero when he asks why you love him. Don’t be afraid to boost his ego and really let it be known that you feel secure in his arms!
  3. Step 3 “You always spend quality time with me.”
    Google images Step 3 “You always spend quality time with me.”
    “You always spend quality time with me.” Spending quality time with your partner is one of the most meaningful ways to connect—and one of the 5 love languages for a good reason! If your boyfriend asks why you love him, tell him you appreciate his willingness to make time for you, despite his busy schedule. Prioritizing your relationship is a reflection of real love, and even if you’re not doing something exciting, just being around him makes you feel valued and adored.
  4. Step 4 “You make me want to be a better person.”
    Google images Step 4 “You make me want to be a better person.”
    “You make me want to be a better person.” You’ve seen your boyfriend go out of his way to help others. He always looks at the glass half full. He’s shown you what it means to be kind, empathetic, generous, and respectful. If any of these statements ring true, let your boyfriend know that his character makes you fall more in love with him each day. He inspires you to be an improved version of yourself, and you’re constantly learning how to be a better human through his example.
  5. Step 5 “Because you’re you.”
    Google images Step 5 “Because you’re you.”
    “Because you’re you.” If you find it hard to express your feelings (and you really want to tug at his heartstrings), use this simple statement to show love to your partner. From his appearance to his personality to his bad habits and hobbies, you’re in love with your boyfriend for who he is, and you wouldn’t want to change a thing about him.
  6. Step 6 “You always make me laugh.”
    Google images Step 6 “You always make me laugh.”
    “You always make me laugh.” Looking for the ultimate compliment to explain your affection? Highlight your boyfriend’s sense of humor to make him feel good inside! The fact that he doesn’t take himself too seriously is incredibly attractive, and it’s one of the reasons why you only have eyes for him—his personality outshines everyone in the room.
  7. Step 7 “You make me feel seen and heard.”
    Google images Step 7 “You make me feel seen and heard.”
    “You make me feel seen and heard.” If your boyfriend actively listens to you and always tries to understand your perspective, express gratitude for his effort and empathy. You might explain that you love him because he validates your emotions and never tries to downplay your experience, even when he doesn’t necessarily agree with you.
  8. Step 8 “You’re my best friend.”
    Google images Step 8 “You’re my best friend.”
    “You’re my best friend.” Does your partner understand your passions and dreams? Does he know what makes you tick? What brings you joy? Does he just seem to get you? This level of closeness is the foundation for a long lasting relationship, and emphasizing your friendship is one of the best ways to tell a guy you love him. It lets him know that you value his companionship more than anything else, and you don’t just see him as a romantic or sexual partner.
  9. Step 9 “You complete me.”
    Google images Step 9 “You complete me.”
    “You complete me.” Why do you love him? You’re the Bonnie to his Clyde, his ride or die, his one-and-only. You’ve never met anyone else that makes you feel the way he does, and while that might scare you at times, you feel so lucky to have met your other half. It feels like your relationship is written in the stars because there’s no other way to explain this type of connection. Simply put, you were meant to be with him.
  10. Step 10 “I can talk to you about anything.”
    Google images Step 10 “I can talk to you about anything.”
    “I can talk to you about anything.” Do you feel like you can tell your boyfriend anything without fear of judgment? Even if you have an unpopular or controversial opinion? Tell your partner that his acceptance is one of the reasons why you love him so much. Around him, you feel comfortable enough to be your authentic self, and you don’t have to pretend to be someone else.
  11. Step 11 “You always believe in me.”
    Google images Step 11 “You always believe in me.”
    “You always believe in me.” If your partner makes you feel like you can accomplish anything, stress how much you appreciate his support. Maybe he’s the only person you know who’s promoted your side hustle. Or, he’s encouraged you to pursue your childhood dream. Whatever it may be, let him know that you love him deeply because he roots for you and gives you a boost of confidence when you need it.
  12. Step 12 “You’re the most thoughtful person I know.”
    Google images Step 12 “You’re the most thoughtful person I know.”
    “You’re the most thoughtful person I know.” Does your boyfriend remember all the little things about you? Does he surprise you with romantic gestures? Can he read your emotions easily? These are some signs that your partner is incredibly thoughtful, and it’s the perfect explanation to describe why you love him. Letting your boyfriend know his actions make you feel loved and cared for will trigger his hero instinct, making him feel important in the relationship.
  13. Step 13 “You put me at ease.”
    Google images Step 13 “You put me at ease.”
    “You put me at ease.” Do you turn to your partner anytime you’re anxious or afraid? If so, let him know you love him because he calms you down—you know everything’s going to be okay, as long as he’s by your side.
  14. Step 14 “You make me feel like the most beautiful person in the world.”
    Google images Step 14 “You make me feel like the most beautiful person in the world.”
    “You make me feel like the most beautiful person in the world.” If your partner showers you with compliments, physical affection, or any other romantic gestures, explain how much his behavior means to you. Maybe you love him because he wants everyone to know that you’re together, or maybe he only has eyes for you in a crowded room. Be specific about what he does to make you feel attractive and desired!
  15. Step 15 “You make me happier than I’ve ever been before.”
    Google images Step 15 “You make me happier than I’ve ever been before.”
    “You make me happier than I’ve ever been before.” Does your boyfriend make you smile and see the world in technicolor? If so, explain that you love him because he brings you joy! Describe how he’s made a positive impact in your life, and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and romantic—maybe he makes everyday feel like a 3-day weekend or makes you feel like you’re living in a dream.
  16. Step 16 “You’re very patient with me.”
    Google images Step 16 “You’re very patient with me.”
    “You’re very patient with me.” If he’s always open to discussion in the middle of a fight, or anytime you’re being moody, express how much you appreciate his patience. Healthy communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship, and staying calm during heated moments is a clear sign of love and respect.
  17. Step 17 “You always know exactly what to say.”
    Google images Step 17 “You always know exactly what to say.”
    “You always know exactly what to say.” Does your boyfriend know how to cheer you up when you’re feeling stressed or down? Express how much his words mean to you, and let him know that it’s one of the many reasons why you love him. If you can think of specific instances where he’s been especially comforting, be sure to mention them!
  18. Step 18 “You constantly surprise me.”
    Google images Step 18 “You constantly surprise me.”
    “You constantly surprise me.” Are you looking for a sweet and unique response? Let your boyfriend know that you love him because he keeps you on your toes. The more you learn about him, the more you love him, and your relationship makes you feel excited for the future.
  19. Step 19 “You’re incredibly good looking.”
    Google images Step 19 “You’re incredibly good looking.”
    “You’re incredibly good looking.” If you and your boyfriend aren’t super sentimental, answer his question with a flirty response. Complimenting his appearance keeps the conversation casual, especially if you’re not ready to give him a heartfelt answer. He probably knows that his looks aren’t the only reason why you love him, but this reply can make him feel desired in the meantime.
  20. Step 20 “You make all my sex dreams come true.”
    Google images Step 20 “You make all my sex dreams come true.”
    “You make all my sex dreams come true.” If your boyfriend prioritizes (and satisfies) all of your needs in bed, let him know how incredible it makes you feel! Again, this isn’t the most serious or heartfelt response, but it’ll definitely boost his ego and make him feel validated.

When Other People Ask Why You Love Him

  1. Step 1 “What’s not to love? He’s…”
    Google images Step 1 “What’s not to love? He’s…”
    “What’s not to love? He’s…” It can be tricky to come up with an explanation on the spot, but listing several things you love about your boyfriend is a great place to start! Maybe he’s extremely ambitious, hard-working, and assertive, or maybe he’s chill, down-to-earth, and creative. Maybe you love him because he’s kind to your family, he’s obsessed with space, or he loves writing music in his spare time. No matter what your boyfriend’s like, highlight his personality and describe what makes him so special to you.
  2. Step 2 “I can always count on him.”
    Google images Step 2 “I can always count on him.”
    “I can always count on him.” Is your partner the most dependable person in your life? Give him the unofficial boyfriend of the year award by letting everyone know just how loyal and devoted he is to you—he’s definitely someone who will pick you up from the airport in the middle of the night, even if he hasn’t gotten any sleep.
  3. Step 3 “He’s a great listener.”
    Google images Step 3 “He’s a great listener.”
    “He’s a great listener.” If you explain how your partner actively listens to you in conversation, most people will understand why you love him so much. Compliment his listening skills in front of others by mentioning how your boyfriend gives you his undivided attention during discussion, asks engaging follow-up questions, and makes you feel like you’re saying something important every time you speak to him.
  4. Step 4 “He makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.”
    Google images Step 4 “He makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.”
    “He makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.” Whether you’re learning a new skill or switching career paths, let everyone know that your boyfriend is your biggest cheerleader. You can always lean on him if you’re feeling insecure, and his support makes you feel like you can conquer the world!