What Does Holding Up 4 Fingers Mean? Definitions for TikTok, Football, & More.

What Does Holding Up 4 Fingers Mean? Definitions for TikTok, Football, & More

Why you’re seeing people online throwing up 4s

Have you been seeing users post pictures or videos holding 4 fingers up on TikTok or Instagram? You’re not the only one! Many people are confused about what this hand signal means, and for good reason: it’s had a lot of different definitions throughout the years. That’s why we’re here to help define it once and for all so you can understand why people hold up 4 fingers (and even do it yourself).

Things You Should Know

  • On TikTok, holding 4 fingers up means you’re in love with 1 person and 1 person only.
  • In the past, 4 fingers up symbolized support for mental health issues, especially when used by celebrities.
  • Holding up 4 fingers could also signify the start of the 4th quarter in football, or be used by rappers from Florida to show love for their hometown.


4 Fingers on TikTok

  1. Step 1 4 fingers up means you’re madly in love with 1 person.
    Google images Step 1 4 fingers up means you’re madly in love with 1 person.
    4 fingers up means you’re madly in love with 1 person. Typically, people will hold up 4 fingers to signify that they’re off the market—they’re not looking to date anyone else right now. They might have just gotten into a relationship, or they may be pining after 1 specific person.
    • This is especially popular on TikTok right now. So if you see one of your followers or a friend posting with 4 fingers up, they probably mean that they’ve found a new boo!
  2. Step 2 4 fingers could also mean someone is secretly gay.
    Google images Step 2 4 fingers could also mean someone is secretly gay.
    4 fingers could also mean someone is secretly gay. Started as a joke in 2022, some users still say that if you hold 4 fingers up in a pic or video, it means you’re afraid to come out of the closet. However, since this was mostly a joke trend that’s died down, it’s not as likely nowadays.

4 Fingers in Football

  1. In football, 4 fingers symbolize the start of the 4th quarter.
    Google images In football, 4 fingers symbolize the start of the 4th quarter.
    In football, 4 fingers symbolize the start of the 4th quarter. When the clock expires at the end of the 3rd quarter, you’ll often see football players and fans alike holding up 4 fingers. This is to show that the most important quarter is about to happen: the 4th quarter, where their team will either win or lose.
    • Sometimes, football teams will hold up 4 fingers to symbolize how many touchdowns they need to tie up the game.

4 Fingers as a Gang Sign

  1. In Florida, 4 fingers represent your neighborhood.
    Google images In Florida, 4 fingers represent your neighborhood.
    In Florida, 4 fingers represent your neighborhood. You’ll sometimes see rappers or other celebrities posing with 4 fingers up. If they’re from Florida originally, they’re likely doing this to represent North Lauderdale, Pompano Beach, Oakland Park, or Broward County. It’s to show representation of the place they grew up.
    • This is also sometimes called “4 Ups.”

4 Fingers as a Show of Support

  1. Step 1 Celebrities used 4 fingers to support mental health issues.
    Google images Step 1 Celebrities used 4 fingers to support mental health issues.
    Celebrities used 4 fingers to support mental health issues. In 2017, tons of celebrities were holding up 4 fingers in pictures, especially on Instagram. This trend started because of BBC’s 1 in 4 mental health campaign, symbolizing how many people struggle with mental health issues.
    • Many celebs were doing this trend to raise awareness for mental health issues and to stop them from being stigmatized. However, since this is an older trend, it’s not very popular nowadays.
  2. Step 2 Protestors used 4 fingers to support Egypt.
    Google images Step 2 Protestors used 4 fingers to support Egypt.
    Protestors used 4 fingers to support Egypt. In September of 2013, protestors in Egypt used a 4-finger hand sign to symbolize the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque. This mosque was the site of a violent confrontation between supporters of Mohamed Morsi and the Egyptian army. Since “Rabaa” in Arabic means “four” or “the fourth,” the protestors started using 4 fingers to show their support of Morsi.

4 Fingers as a Sign of Danger

  1. 4 fingers have been used to signal domestic violence.
    Google images 4 fingers have been used to signal domestic violence.
    4 fingers have been used to signal domestic violence. In 2021, a hand signal was created for users to show that they were in a dangerous situation but couldn’t talk about it. Users would hold up 4 fingers to the camera, tuck their thumb in, and then fold their fingers over their thumb. This is used as a sign to show that they are in a dangerous or unsafe situation and need help getting out.
    • In fact, this hand signal was used to save a 16-year-old from a kidnapping in Kentucky in 2021. Using the hand signal to alert a passerby that she was in trouble, she was eventually rescued and returned to her family.

Using the 4 Fingers Hand Signal

  1. Step 1 Post a picture or video with 4 fingers up to show loyalty to your partner.
    Google images Step 1 Post a picture or video with 4 fingers up to show loyalty to your partner.
    Post a picture or video with 4 fingers up to show loyalty to your partner. If you got a new significant other that you’re really excited about and you can’t wait to tell the world, use 4 fingers to show them off. Post a picture or video of yourself holding up 4 fingers to the camera, then type out a caption about your new relationship or newfound love.
  2. Step 2 Reply to pics or videos with 4 fingers to show you agree.
    Google images Step 2 Reply to pics or videos with 4 fingers to show you agree.
    Reply to pics or videos with 4 fingers to show you agree. Sometimes, creators will post a statement like, “4 fingers up if you’re in love with me.” If you want to show your support, reply to their post with a picture or video of yourself with 4 fingers up.
    • Micro-celebrities, like influencers on TikTok, will sometimes use this trend to get engagement on their posts.