How to Tell if a Girl You Like Knows You Like Her if You Haven't Actually Told Her So.

How to Tell if a Girl You Like Knows You Like Her if You Haven't Actually Told Her So

When you have a crush on a girl but haven't told her, all kinds of questions might race through your brain. Does she like me? Am I her type? Does she know I like her? That's totally normal, and luckily, figuring out what she knows is easier than you'd think. Below, we're going to explain everything you need to do to figure out if your secret crush is really a secret. Ready to learn more? Scroll on down.


  1. Step 1 Watch how she acts around you.
    Google images Step 1 Watch how she acts around you.
    Watch how she acts around you. If you guys were friends before, if she knows you like her there may be more awkward silences. She may also avoid you a bit, even if she is interested, because she's not quite sure what to do. And if you guys are still friends, well then, great. Take it up from there.
  2. Step 2 Look at her behavior.
    Google images Step 2 Look at her behavior.
    Look at her behavior. If you guys weren't really friends before you liked her, the girl will probably not say or do anything that will let you know. Girls can be annoying that way. She may talk to you more, or completely ignore you. Basically, any drastic change in behavior is a good sign that she knows.
  3. Step 3 Think about who you've told before.
    Google images Step 3 Think about who you've told before.
    Think about who you've told before. If you told any of her friends or any of your friends that you both have in common that you like her, chances are she knows.
  4. Step 4 Stay attentive of her actions.
    Google images Step 4 Stay attentive of her actions.
    Stay attentive of her actions. If she knows and does like you back she will talk to you more, walk near you, sit next to you, make eye contact, twirl her hair, or give you compliments. She may also be secretive about who she likes.
  5. Step 5 Avoid her for some time.
    Google images Step 5 Avoid her for some time.
    Avoid her for some time. See if she eventually talks to you but you are making one of the biggest mistakes you can. You should talk to her more and that way she might be the one to say, "I like you" first.


  • Be prepared. The girl may not feel the same way about you. Thanks Helpful 302 Not Helpful 52
  • Always notice her way of being. If she stares at you, and you quickly look back at her in the eye from a distance, keep that stare. She'll either quickly turn away, because the girl is shy, or she will keep the stare and smile slightly back at you. Thanks Helpful 113 Not Helpful 18
  • Be careful when making friends with her friends. She may think that you like them more than her and back off. Thanks Helpful 44 Not Helpful 8
  • If you're already friends with one of her friend's, there is a chance that the friend has picked up on you liking her, and has already told her. Thanks Helpful 32 Not Helpful 5
  • She tries to touch you mostly when you are alone so act naturally and give her time to know more about you Thanks Helpful 184 Not Helpful 60