Signs a Libra Man Secretly Has Feelings For You & What to Do About It.

Signs a Libra Man Secretly Has Feelings For You & What to Do About It

Study a Libra man’s behavior to discover his true feelings for you

Are you hoping a special Libra guy in your life has feelings for you? It’s time to solve the mystery and figure out how he feels once and for all! Sweet, friendly Libra men are super outgoing and romantic at heart, but they tend to downplay their emotions—especially when they haven’t figured out how to confess their feelings to someone yet. Read on for a comprehensive list of signs that a Libra man is trying to hide his feelings from you, complete with tips to help you respond and encourage him to tell you how he feels.

Things You Should Know

  • It may seem like your Libra man is reserved or nervous around you because he’s trying to mask his emotions and avoid giving them away.
  • He may start asking you for advice and remembering every little detail about you. He’ll also try his hardest to make you laugh!
  • As his feelings for you grow, he might open up to you more and include you in his plans—his way of subtly telling you he wants you in his life.



He’s a little quiet and shy around you.

  1. Libra guys only get shy when they really like someone.
    Google images Libra guys only get shy when they really like someone.
    Libra guys only get shy when they really like someone. Normally, friendly and talkative Libra is comfortable around everyone; they love connecting with new, exciting people. Therefore, a shy Libra is definitely notable—because shyness isn’t a typical Libra trait! If your Libra man seems quiet or reserved around you, it’s a strong sign that he’s hiding his feelings.
    • Study his facial expressions and body language for surefire signs he likes you, even when he’s shy. He might not be saying much, but he may still convey his emotions with unconscious cues.
    • For example, if he looks down and blushes whenever your eyes meet, he’s probably nursing a crush on you! He might also sit or stand with his feet turned toward you and touch his lips while talking to you.

He gets distracted when you’re close.

  1. His feelings for you might be making him more preoccupied than usual.
    Google images His feelings for you might be making him more preoccupied than usual.
    His feelings for you might be making him more preoccupied than usual. Do you ever notice your Libra man staring off into space while talking to someone else or losing his train of thought when he’s around you? If he’s trying to suppress his emotions, he may put more effort into keeping them in check than making conversation, which can make him seem pretty distracted.
    • Ask him if he’s okay in a lighthearted manner. Say something like, “Whoa, where’d you go there? Seems like you were a thousand miles away,” or “Everything okay? I think you may have disassociated a bit there!”
    • A gentle but lighthearted question might make it easier for him to answer you—or at least feel more comfortable around you.

He avoids overly emotional topics.

  1. Libra guys avoid emotional topics to try and protect their feelings.
    Google images Libra guys avoid emotional topics to try and protect their feelings.
    Libra guys avoid emotional topics to try and protect their feelings. Like all air signs, Libra tends to be more logical than emotional. Emotional conversations don’t come naturally to them, which is why your Libra might feel a little unsure around you at first. As a result, he might avoid talking about his feelings, deflect from personal questions, and steer clear of any topic that might make him emotional.
    • Because a Libra guy is more logic-driven than emotional, it can take a while for him to embrace his feelings and confess his affection for you.
    • The most important thing you can do for your Libra man is be patient with him and let him process his emotions in his own time. Eventually, he'll be ready to tell you how he feels!

He seems anxious or tense.

  1. Hiding his feelings may cause a Libra man to feel stressed.
    Google images Hiding his feelings may cause a Libra man to feel stressed.
    Hiding his feelings may cause a Libra man to feel stressed. When a Libra guy represses his feelings, it can make him feel like he’s out of balance emotionally, something Libra (a sign that craves a sense of balance in life) finds uncomfortable. Libra can also be indecisive, so if he’s still trying to figure out how to tell you about his feelings, it might make him even more anxious around you.
    • Focus on creating a calm and comfortable atmosphere for your Libra guy to relax around you. Don’t pressure him to talk before he’s ready; just let him know you’re there for him and stay super calm and friendly around him.
    • Remember—the fact that he might be anxious doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. It might seem like he’s sending mixed signals, but really, it just means he’s trying to process his feelings for you.

He’s more focused on his appearance.

  1. A Libra guy with secret feelings for you will really want to impress you!
    Google images A Libra guy with secret feelings for you will really want to impress you!
    A Libra guy with secret feelings for you will really want to impress you! Libra men naturally have impeccable taste, but when they’re crushing on someone, they’ll still try to go the extra mile when it comes to style and appearances. Your Libra might get a new haircut, wear flattering new clothes around you, and shower every time he’s about to see you to ensure he looks put-together.
    • Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, which means a sophisticated sense of style is naturally in Libra’s wheelhouse.
    • Pay Libra a compliment or two to show him that his efforts are appreciated! Libras love flattery, so a sweet compliment from his crush is sure to make a romantic Libra guy blush.
    • For example, you might say something like, “Wow, you look amazing! That shirt brings out the green in your eyes,” or “You really do have the best sense of style!”

He becomes extremely attentive.

  1. He may distract himself from his emotions by focusing on you instead.
    Google images He may distract himself from his emotions by focusing on you instead.
    He may distract himself from his emotions by focusing on you instead. When a Libra guy is secretly crushing on you, his emotions might feel a little overwhelming—so, instead, he’ll devote all his energy toward spending time with you and making sure you’re okay. If your Libra man is hiding his feelings for you, he might feel oddly overprotective and attentive, calling you all the time or finding excuses to see you.
    • Normally, Libra men are very easygoing and low-key, which is why a sudden switch to overprotectiveness can clearly signal that something is up!
    • For example, you may notice that he’s always the first person to offer help when you need a favor. He might start driving you home from work whenever you need a ride or drop off lunch for you on busy days.

He peppers you with personal questions.

  1. Curious Libra men want to know everything about the person they like.
    Google images Curious Libra men want to know everything about the person they like.
    Curious Libra men want to know everything about the person they like. If he’s hiding his feelings for you, he might start asking questions that go deeper than the average “friendly” question; he’s trying to figure out whether the two of you would make a good match! If your Libra guy suddenly has a million questions for you (and doesn’t seem to ask those questions to anyone else), he might have feelings for you.
    • As long as you’re comfortable with the questions he’s asking, answer them as honestly as you can! He’s just trying to get to know you better, so he’ll likely be excited if you choose to answer.
    • Try asking him a few fun, open-ended questions, too (just try to avoid super emotional topics unless it seems like he’s getting more comfortable with them).
    • For example, try questions like, “What’s something that not many people know about you?” “What makes you happy?” and “If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?”

He remembers the details about your life.

  1. A Libra guy who likes you will cling to every word you say.
    Google images A Libra guy who likes you will cling to every word you say.
    A Libra guy who likes you will cling to every word you say. When you tell him things about yourself—from the most important things to the littlest details—he’ll remember! A Libra guy might try to hide his romantic feelings from you, but if he’s crushing on you, he’ll find ways to remind you that he’s always listening and paying attention to you.
    • For example, he might be the first in line to wish you a happy birthday—even if you have other friends who have known you for a lot longer.
    • He might also surprise you with a gift on your work anniversary, follow up to ask you how a stressful work project is going, or ask you to see a concert because he remembered when your favorite band is playing in town.

He asks for your advice.

  1. Indecisive Libra often relies on advice from people they admire and trust.
    Google images Indecisive Libra often relies on advice from people they admire and trust.
    Indecisive Libra often relies on advice from people they admire and trust. So, if your Libra man is secretly crushing on you, you’ll likely be one of the first people he asks for advice when he’s having trouble making a decision. As indecisive as Libra men can be, they don’t want advice from just anyone; if he asks for your advice, it’s a sign that he truly values your opinions.
    • Give him advice to the best of your ability if he asks for it! Libra, a clever and cerebral sign, appreciates anyone who can think critically about a situation and make well-reasoned decisions.
    • Show him that you also appreciate his opinions by asking him for advice too. Libra has a strong sense of justice and fairness—and a partner who appreciates that trait is sure to win Libra’s heart.

He tries to make you laugh.

  1. Quick-witted, friendly Libra loves to cheer up the people they care about.
    Google images Quick-witted, friendly Libra loves to cheer up the people they care about.
    Quick-witted, friendly Libra loves to cheer up the people they care about. Is your Libra man constantly cracking jokes, coming up with puns, (gently) teasing you, and making sarcastic comments to make you laugh? If he really plays up his funny side around you, that’s a strong sign he’s hiding feelings for you. He likely wants you to be happy when you’re around him and enjoys being able to make you laugh!
    • Study his behavior carefully. Does he go out of his way to be funny and crack jokes around everyone, or does it seem like he’s more focused on making you laugh in particular?
    • If he dials up the humor when you’re around and doesn’t seem to make as much effort to crack jokes when he’s with a whole group of people, that’s another positive sign that he has feelings for you.

He starts opening up to you.

  1. Your Libra may be trying to show his feelings more if he opens up to you.
    Google images Your Libra may be trying to show his feelings more if he opens up to you.
    Your Libra may be trying to show his feelings more if he opens up to you. As mentioned above, Libra guys avoid deeper and more emotional conversations at first. But if he really has feelings for you, even if he isn’t ready to come out and say it yet, he’ll slowly start opening up to you more. He may share his worries and secrets with you, confiding in you when he needs a supportive ear as a sign of his growing trust.
    • Listen actively whenever your Libra man confides in you. The more receptive and supportive you are, the more comfortable he’ll feel around you.
    • Try to reciprocate by confiding in him, too. Share more of your innermost thoughts and feelings with him to show him that you feel the same and want to be closer to him.

He includes you in his plans.

  1. Libra may involve you in his plans because he can see a future with you.
    Google images Libra may involve you in his plans because he can see a future with you.
    Libra may involve you in his plans because he can see a future with you. Their connection to Venus, the planet of love, makes Libra easily the most romantic of the air signs. They want to plan a future with the person they love! If your Libra man starts inviting you to spend more time with him, it could mean he’s starting to do just that—and wants to make you a permanent fixture in his life.
    • For example, he might start making plans months ahead of time, like casually inviting you on a trip he’s planning or mentioning something special he’d love to do with you in the future.
    • Libra men don’t usually start planning unless they truly see something special in the person they like—so if he’s dropping hints about the future with you, that means he’s already deeply attached.

Learn How to Date a Libra with this Expert Series

Libras are free-spirited and social, but they crave balance and harmony. We've put together these expert articles to help you build a relationship with the Libra of your dreams. 1 - Love a Libra 1 Love a Libra 2 - Date a Libra 2 Date a Libra 3 - How to Date a Libra Male: 11 Things You Need to Know 3 How to Date a Libra Male: 11 Things You Need to Know 4 - 10 Key Reasons Why Libras Are So Hard to Date 4 10 Key Reasons Why Libras Are So Hard to Date 5 - Flirt with a Libra Woman 5 Flirt with a Libra Woman 6 - Seduce a Libra Woman 6 Seduce a Libra Woman