Can You Delete Prompts on Bumble? How to Choose & Change Bumble Prompts.

Can You Delete Prompts on Bumble? How to Choose & Change Bumble Prompts

Are you looking to remove that prompt from your Bumble profile? In an effort to get users to give more information about themselves, Bumble inspires its users to fill out their profiles by answering prompts. But what if you don't like the prompt you've been given? You can't delete it outright, but this wikiHow article shows you the other steps you can take to avoid that prompt on Bumble.


Why can't I delete the prompts on my Bumble profile?

  1. To get to know you better, you're asked to write more.
    Google images To get to know you better, you're asked to write more.
    To get to know you better, you're asked to write more. Prompts eliminate the "New here" or "I'll do this later" fillers in bios by giving you something to answer or fill in the blank. With specific questions, you have the opportunity to spill about your favorite TV show or list your turn-offs. You can provide examples to showcase your personality if you answer them honestly.
    • You can add up to three different prompts on your profile.

How can I update or change the prompts?

  1. Step 1 Open Bumble.
    Google images Step 1 Open Bumble.
    Open Bumble. This app icon looks like a yellow beehive.
    • This works for Androids as well as iOS phones and tablets.
  2. Step 2 Tap the grey silhouette.
    Google images Step 2 Tap the grey silhouette.
    Tap the grey silhouette. It's your profile icon in the bottom left corner of your screen.
  3. Step 3 Tap Edit Profile.
    Google images Step 3 Tap Edit Profile.
    Tap Edit Profile. It's below your profile picture near the top of your screen.
  4. Step 4 Tap the profile prompt you want to change.
    Google images Step 4 Tap the profile prompt you want to change.
    Tap the profile prompt you want to change. You'll find this under the "Profile Prompts" header. You can have up to three prompts on your profile.
  5. Step 5 Tap Replace or Update.
    Google images Step 5 Tap Replace or Update.
    Tap Replace or Update. You can choose to either change the prompt completely to a new prompt, or you can update your current answer.
    • If you opt to replace the prompt, tap a new prompt to select it. On the next screen, answer the prompt or fill in the blank and tap the yellow checkmark.
    • If you chose to update your answer, change the original text as desired, then tap the yellow checkmark in the top right corner.

What are some good prompts to use on my profile?

  1. Step 1 My ideal night out.
    Google images Step 1 My ideal night out.
    My ideal night out. Use this to show others what sort of night you prefer. Do you want to go out shopping, to a movie, or relax with a home-cooked meal?
    • If you like something niche, like doing goat yoga, list that and everyone looking at your profile will have a sense that you enjoy goats and yoga.
  2. Step 2 Two truths, one lie.
    Google images Step 2 Two truths, one lie.
    Two truths, one lie. This can be an easy answer that can either be silly, boring, or serious. You can use this prompt to boast about some things you've accomplished and something on your bucket list. The best answers are those that are hard to figure out and aren't weird, cliche, uninteresting, reckless, or hateful.
  3. Step 3 Nightclub or Netflix.
    Google images Step 3 Nightclub or Netflix.
    Nightclub or Netflix. You can use this prompt to show if you're more extroverted or a homebody, which is useful when others are looking for a partner!
    • It's good to note that a simple one-worded answer that this seems to require doesn't necessarily limit you to a one-word answer. You can instead give an entire example about preferring one over the other!
  4. Step 4 Beach or Mountains.
    Google images Step 4 Beach or Mountains.
    Beach or Mountains. This is similar to the "Nightclub or Netflix" prompt because your answer isn't limited to one word. You can write as much as you like to explain how you would pick one instead of the other.
  5. Step 5 If I could have only three things on a deserted island.
    Google images Step 5 If I could have only three things on a deserted island.
    If I could have only three things on a deserted island. Prompts like this one are designed for you to express the most important things to you, and it could come up in a message from a potential partner because it's a great way to break the ice!
    • How you answer this question gives others an idea of your state of mind. Did you answer strategically? Or are you self-deprecating and funny instead?
    • In summary, you can use almost any prompt. But answering a question with one word or something cliche and unoriginal could make an interesting prompt fall flat. For example, the answer to "If I had an extra hour in the day I would…" can be extremely interesting or boring (like if you answer "sleep" or "do laundry").