12 Cute Ways to Say "I Like You" over Text.

12 Cute Ways to Say

Are you trying to draft the perfect text to say “I like you” to someone special? Maybe they’re a new crush or a person you’ve grown really close to over time. Either way, there are lots of sweet and creative ways to make them smile. You can heap on the compliments or even flirt a little. We’ve got lots of cute and romantic examples of how to say “I like you” over text. Try one out and make some magic together!



"Hope you had a good day!"

  1. Reach out and check in so they feel valued.
    Google images Reach out and check in so they feel valued.
    Reach out and check in so they feel valued. Send a casual, upbeat message. Ask them if everything is going well with them. If they face any challenges, reassure them that they can share what they went through. When you prove you’re curious about them and text them regularly—about once every two days—they’ll bond with you.
    • “I always want you to have a good day! ? How’s everything going for you?”
    • “How’s school? Are you hitting the books? ?”
    • “How’d your presentation go? I think you’re such a great speaker! ?”
    • Take things slow if you're chatting with your crush. Let them feel your presence and make it clear that you don't have an agenda.

"You’re my fave because you make me laugh!"

  1. Praise their sense of humor and celebrate the fun you have.
    Google images Praise their sense of humor and celebrate the fun you have.
    Praise their sense of humor and celebrate the fun you have. Show you’re compatible and have lots of romantic potential because you laugh a lot together. Bring up all the jokes, memes, and silliness you two share. Then, let them know that they enhance your life with their smarts and playfulness. They’ll enjoy making you smile and be your go-to comic relief.
    • “You’re the meme master! ?️ Hit me with another one, please?!”
    • “LOL! Where do you even find all those gifs?! ?”
    • “We’re ridiculous together! ?”

"That new pic is so cute!"

  1. Express your attraction so they’ll know about your crush.
    Google images Express your attraction so they’ll know about your crush.
    Express your attraction so they’ll know about your crush. When you let them know that you’re totally into them and can’t get enough of how they look, they’ll get the hint that you want to see a lot more of them. You’ll also give them a great opportunity to flirt back.
    • “Your new profile pic gives me butterflies. ?”
    • “That swimsuit pic, though! ?”
    • “You’re the most gorgeous person I know. ?”

"Wanna grab a bite to eat?"

  1. Invite them out to say you want to get to know them.
    Google images Invite them out to say you want to get to know them.
    Invite them out to say you want to get to know them. Offer to go to a new place and spend one-on-one time with each other. You can even tell them that you really like their company and you'd love it if just the two of you hung out. They’ll figure out that you’re interested in more than just friendship.
    • “I’d like to take you out to dinner! ? I really want to get to know you better.”
    • “I’ve got tickets to this awesome show. ? I’d love to bring you.”
    • “Let’s grab some late night gelato! ? I’m craving your company.”

wikiHow Quiz: Do I Like Him?

So, there’s this guy. When he’s nearby, your stomach does somersaults and you can’t seem to say anything right. But are these butterflies because you genuinely like him or because you like the idea of him? Emotions can be tricky to decipher, so we’ve put together this quiz to help you out. Answer these questions about how you feel about that special guy to learn if you’re totally crushing, want to stay in the friend zone, or just like the attention. 1 of 12

How often do you think about him?

Eh, every once in a while.

Fairly often. We’re friends, after all!

Every day. I’m even daydreaming about him.

Not a moment goes by when I don’t think of him.

Next 5

"This song makes me think of you."

  1. Share that you have some warm memories to flatter them.
    Google images Share that you have some warm memories to flatter them.
    Share that you have some warm memories to flatter them. A song, picture, or even a movie quote can show off your creativity and prove you’re into their personality. Share whatever you associate with them to say they’ve been on your mind a lot. They’ll be impressed that you noticed so many details and feel cherished.
    • “This rock song totally fits your vibe! ? You’re so exciting and mysterious.”
    • “Saw this picture and thought of you! ? I think it captures your creativity.”
    • “? Just saw this movie last night and this quote totally reminded me of you…”
    • "I was traveling in Paris and I just saw this painting that reminded me of you! ?️"

"Thank you for being you."

  1. Say you’re grateful they’re in their life to make them swoon.
    Google images Say you’re grateful they’re in their life to make them swoon.
    Say you’re grateful they’re in their life to make them swoon. Everyone loves to hear that they’re appreciated. Tell them that you think they’re perfect just the way they are. Bring up their special traits and talents as well as any cute quirks they have. When you embrace every part of them, you’ll get their heart racing.
    • “Thank you for being you! You’re the sweetest person around. ?”
    • “You’re wickedly smart! You always make me think. ?”
    • “You send some of the weirdest videos! It’s awesome. ?”

"I love texting you after a long day."

  1. Gush about them after you spend time apart.
    Google images Gush about them after you spend time apart.
    Gush about them after you spend time apart. Put your attention into activities, hobbies, and work that you love. After you’ve wrapped up for the day, ping your crush. Catch them up on what you’ve been busy with, then remind them that it’s so rewarding to chat with them. They’ll love that you’re passionate about life and just as enthusiastic about them.
    • “So many meetings! ? They were really important, though. Now I get to talk to you!”
    • “Finished shooting hoops with my friends. ⛹️‍♀️ Time to talk to one of my favorite people!”
    • “Wrapped up my culinary final. ??‍? We whipped up desserts, but you’re the real treat!”

"Hanging out with you is always an adventure."

  1. Point out you enjoy quality time with them to boost their confidence.
    Google images Point out you enjoy quality time with them to boost their confidence.
    Point out you enjoy quality time with them to boost their confidence. Reassure them that you have a blast no matter what you two are up to. Maybe you love long weekend hikes with them or lazy movie nights. When you tell them that you look forward to all kinds of casual, everyday events, they’ll know that you really just like them and their awesome company.
    • “Where are we going to hike this weekend?! Hanging out with you is always an adventure. ?️”
    • “I know all we did was lay around and watch movies, but I had such a blast! ? ?”
    • “Our long talk last night totally transported me! ?”

"You make me blush!"

  1. Admit that they excite you to compliment their flirtiness.
    Google images Admit that they excite you to compliment their flirtiness.
    Admit that they excite you to compliment their flirtiness. Tell them that their flattery has a strong effect on you. You can share all the feelings you have. Maybe they make you feel really warm, or you feel some fun jitters when they say they’re attracted to you. Be open and honest about your reactions. They’ll love your authenticity and keep pursuing you.
    • “You’re totally making me blush! ? Don’t stop, though!”
    • “Um… hold on. I’m speechless. ?”
    • “Whoa! You’re getting my heart rate up! ?”

"I miss you. Send me a selfie."

  1. Ask for pictures and they’ll know you’re super sentimental.
    Google images Ask for pictures and they’ll know you’re super sentimental.
    Ask for pictures and they’ll know you’re super sentimental. If a lot of time has gone by, remind them that you really crave their company. Compliment any video or picture they send you. They’ll feel really confident in themselves and proud that they’ve caught your eye.
    • “I miss your smile. Can you send me a selfie? ?”
    • “Send a pic! I need a pick-me-up! ?”
    • “Aww! Thanks for sending that vid. It’s so cute. ?”
    • "I've been thinking a lot about you! We haven't talked in months and I really miss you ?"

"I’m kind of catching feelings for you."

  1. Confess any romantic emotions and you’ll warm their heart.
    Google images Confess any romantic emotions and you’ll warm their heart.
    Confess any romantic emotions and you’ll warm their heart. Tell them when you realized that you became attached to them. You can also explain all the reasons why you have more than just a small crush. You’ll encourage them to think about your past together and see that you’re a great match.
    • “Last night was amazing. ✨ I’m kind of catching feelings for you.”
    • “So, you know when we went to that carnival together? ? I really fell for you then.”
    • “I knew I really liked you months ago. ?”

"I just adore you."

  1. Use affectionate words so know they’re incredibly special to you.
    Google images Use affectionate words so know they’re incredibly special to you.
    Use affectionate words so know they’re incredibly special to you. Maybe it’s too soon for “I love you,” but it’s just the right time to say how much you care. Use any phrases that feel honest to you and capture the sweet message you want to share. You’ll sweep them away and make them want to gush about how much they cherish you, too.
    • “I have to say this…I really just adore you. ❤︎”
    • “You have such a special place in my heart. ?”
    • “You’re really captured my heart. ?”