Which Crystals Help Boost Confidence? 14 Stones & How to Use Them.

Which Crystals Help Boost Confidence? 14 Stones & How to Use Them

Kiss self-doubt goodbye with these powerful healing crystals

Are you lacking the confidence you need to transform into your most authentic self? Crystals might just be the solution you need. They’re believed to have vibrational healing powers and have been used for centuries to promote confidence and luck, ease stress, and more. In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive list of confidence-boosting crystals and show you how to work with them so you can kick self-doubt to the curb.

This article is based on an interview with our life coach and energy healer, Karuna Jain, owner of the Karuna Healing Center. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Amethyst, orange calcite, amazonite, and sunstone are among the most popular crystals for boosting confidence and ushering in overall well-being.
  • Carry or wear these crystals to remind yourself of your inner power. When you feel doubtful or anxious, reach for your crystal to reaffirm your self-worth.
  • Meditate with your crystal and focus on your goals by repeating affirmations. For example, you might say, “I am confident, capable, and diligent.”




  1. Promote calmness and courage with amethyst.
    Google images Promote calmness and courage with amethyst.
    Promote calmness and courage with amethyst. One of the most popular gemstones across the globe, amethyst is incredible at soothing the soul and easing any nerves stopping you from acting as your most confident, radiant self. From light to deep purple, this royal stone may help make you feel worthy, powerful, and important.
    • How to use it: Wear or carry amethyst to remind yourself of your worth. When you start feeling self-conscious, simply touch the crystal to reaffirm your strength.

Orange Calcite

  1. Boost your creativity and amp up your confidence with orange calcite.
    Google images Boost your creativity and amp up your confidence with orange calcite.
    Boost your creativity and amp up your confidence with orange calcite. No one likes being stuck in a rut! Sometimes, your creativity can be stifled by self-doubt, and orange calcite is just the thing to get you out of it. This stone is believed to cleanse the mind of negative energy and amplify your creative power, so you can get back to being confident in your imaginative and capable mind.
    • How to use it: When you’re all out of ideas and don’t know how to move forward, hold your orange calcite in your hand and repeat a mantra like, “I am creative, and I am capable,” or, “I am full of exciting and original ideas.”


  1. Go for amazonite to promote emotional healing and self-love.
    Google images Go for amazonite to promote emotional healing and self-love.
    Go for amazonite to promote emotional healing and self-love. With gorgeous, milky hues of light green and blue, it’s not hard to understand why this gemstone is renowned for its ability to soothe past wounds and act as a balm to the soul. When you feel at peace with yourself, there’s no reason to act without confidence.
    • How to use it: Hold your amazonite in your hand while meditating. As you meditate, visualize yourself feeling peaceful and confident in your own skin.


  1. Let your creativity shine with sunstone.
    Google images Let your creativity shine with sunstone.
    Let your creativity shine with sunstone. Dazzling and uplifting, this sparkly orange stone may help you push negative thinking aside in favor of a positive mindset thanks to its ability to promote the enjoyment of life. Plus, its ethereal glow is believed to spark your creativity!
    • How to use it: If you often have trouble sticking up for yourself, sunstone may also help you to set healthy boundaries. Carry or wear sunstone as a reminder to advocate for yourself with confidence.


  1. Feel like everything’s going your way with lucky topaz by your side.
    Google images Feel like everything’s going your way with lucky topaz by your side.
    Feel like everything’s going your way with lucky topaz by your side. Known for its ability to boost manifestations and bring luck to its user, topaz is a highly popular pick among crystal connoisseurs. Topaz may help you to adopt an “Everything always works out for me” attitude—when you feel lucky, you feel confident, too!
    • How to use it: Place topaz under your pillow before bed. As you drift off to sleep, manifest your dreams by imagining what your life would look like if all of them came true.


  1. Get strength and determination flowing with carnelian.
    Google images Get strength and determination flowing with carnelian.
    Get strength and determination flowing with carnelian. When you’re feeling discouraged by a situation at work or in your personal life, your confidence can feel depleted too. Lucky for you, carnelian is here to help. Empowering and motivating, carnelian will work overtime to boost your morale.
    • How to use it: If you’ve been working hard on a personal or professional project and feel like giving up, reach for carnelian for a vote of confidence. As you hold it, repeat affirmations like, “I am strong, courageous, and determined,” or “I will push onwards.”


  1. Ease anxiety with turquoise.
    Google images Ease anxiety with turquoise.
    Ease anxiety with turquoise. This soothing stone evokes the serenity of looking at a brilliant blue sky. Believed to encourage self-reflection, turquoise leads us to question why we aren’t embracing our truest, most authentic self—march forward confidently!
    • How to use it: Wear or carry turquoise to help maintain a constant sense of balance and harmony. With less frequent highs and lows, you’ll be better able to act with conviction and clarity.


  1. Ditch unhealthy patterns holding you back with garnet.
    Google images Ditch unhealthy patterns holding you back with garnet.
    Ditch unhealthy patterns holding you back with garnet. Self-doubt has the power to stop us from pursuing our dreams, but gorgeous garnet may help to stop unhealthy thinking in its tracks. Thought to promote self-assurance, success, and ease anxiety, garnet might just have you feeling confident in no time.
    • How to use it: Place a garnet on your desk or work area to promote confidence in your professional and/or creative decisions—you’ve got this!


  1. Get creative and block self-doubt with sodalite.
    Google images Get creative and block self-doubt with sodalite.
    Get creative and block self-doubt with sodalite. This bold blue crystal is thought to promote bold action in its user. A powerful amplifier of your self-worth, sodalite may help confidence stream into everything you do.
    • How to use it: When you feel yourself drifting into a state of self-doubt, squeeze sodalite in your hand and imagine yourself crushing negative thoughts with ease.

Black Tourmaline

  1. Tap into your inner strength with black tourmaline.
    Google images Tap into your inner strength with black tourmaline.
    Tap into your inner strength with black tourmaline. If you have trouble advocating for yourself, this dark and prickly crystal may help you establish healthy boundaries. Thought to aid in protection, black tourmaline may give you the extra confidence you need to stand up for yourself and guard your positive energy.
    • How to use it: Carry black tourmaline in your purse or pocket when meeting a loved one or coworker to discuss something challenging. black tourmaline may help you to speak clearly and confidently.


  1. Go for jade to usher in luck and courage.
    Google images Go for jade to usher in luck and courage.
    Go for jade to usher in luck and courage. This glowing green crystal is highly valued across several cultures, and it's no wonder why. Thought to get luck flowing and promote clarity, jade makes acting with confidence a breeze—with a calm mind and clear convictions, you can trust yourself and forget the fear of messing up.
    • How to use it: Wear or carry jade to promote good fortune, healing, and self-love daily! You’ll meet challenges and jump over hurdles like a champion.

Clear Quartz

  1. Connect to your highest self with clear quartz.
    Google images Connect to your highest self with clear quartz.
    Connect to your highest self with clear quartz. Inside each of us is a powerful, unstoppable force to be reckoned with, and clear quartz is believed to help you access it. An amplifier for inner-strength, clear quartz (or other quartz crystals like spirit quartz and rose quartz) may help you to trust your intuition and, in turn, yourself.
    • How to use it: Hold clear quartz in your hand and close your eyes. Focus on your intentions for the future by making a mental list of what you want to achieve, like, “I will meet all my deadlines” or “I will exceed everyone’s expectations.”

Tiger’s Eye

  1. Feel secure in your ideas with Tiger’s Eye.
    Google images Feel secure in your ideas with Tiger’s Eye.
    Feel secure in your ideas with Tiger’s Eye. Believed to be a mega-booster of willpower, discipline, and confidence, you may be astounded by the animal magnetism this crystal promotes. Plus, Tiger’s Eye is believed to promote mental clarity, making it that much easier to have confidence in your decisions and ideas. With Tiger’s Eye in tow, low self-esteem doesn’t stand a chance.
    • How to use it: Sleep with Tiger’s Eye under your pillow to load up on strength overnight. Was that a yawn or a roar?


  1. Encourage enthusiasm and joy with citrine.
    Google images Encourage enthusiasm and joy with citrine.
    Encourage enthusiasm and joy with citrine. This powerful orange stone is excellent at promoting confidence by helping you stay grounded in your personal power. Not to mention, citrine is believed to dissolve negativity without the need to be cleansed. See ya, unhealthy thinking patterns!
    • How to use it: Carry or wear citrine every day to dissolve negative energy as soon as it arises. Whether it’s a self-deprecating thought or a difficult family member, citrine is ready to shoo icky energy away.
