How to Become a Werewolf in Skyrim.

How to Become a Werewolf in Skyrim

Ever wondered how to become a werewolf in Skyrim? As a werewolf, you can do melee attacks with your claws and run on all fours. You also get increased strength and resistance to disease.


Part 1

Becoming a Werewolf

  1. Step 1 Join the Companions.
    Google images Step 1 Join the Companions.
    Join the Companions. Go to Whiterun, the city just north of Riverwood, and join the Companions. You can encounter Aela the Huntress just outside the city or. She will send you on a quest with Vilkas to obtain a fragment of a legendary battle ax. The dungeon where this fragment is found is chock-full with draugr, so be very prepared. Follow Vilkas and the quest updates until you have completed the dungeon. Afterwards, you will need to meet Vilkas in front of Jorrvaskr to more officially join the Companions and move forward towards becoming a werewolf.
  2. Step 2 Do another radiant quest.
    Google images Step 2 Do another radiant quest.
    Do another radiant quest. Same procedure as before. It will sometimes give you the choice to pick between three of the leaders, choose Farkas for the quest of becoming a werewolf (after the quest). During this/another quest you will witness him, turn into a werewolf himself.
  3. Step 3 Meet with Skjor.
    Google images Step 3 Meet with Skjor.
    Meet with Skjor. With the radiant quest complete, you will need to talk to Skjor. He will request to meet you at night. Do so, and soon, Aela will also turn into a werewolf, and you can drink her blood.
  4. Step 4 Turn into a werewolf.
    Google images Step 4 Turn into a werewolf.
    Turn into a werewolf. Activate the fountain when prompted and you will become a werewolf. Complete further Companions quests or simply enjoy your new powers.
Part 2

After Becoming a Werewolf

  1. Step 1 Use the magic menu to activate your power.
    Google images Step 1 Use the magic menu to activate your power.
    Use the magic menu to activate your power. You can only transform once a day (unless you have the Ring of Hircine) and the Beast Form lasts for 150 seconds. Time is extended for beast form if you feed off corpses, giving you an additional 30 seconds. Select it from the power menu and activate it in a similar manner to Shouts.
  2. Step 2 Know the benefits.
    Google images Step 2 Know the benefits.
    Know the benefits. Benefits are only applicable when in beast form.
    • You will be cured of all diseases. This includes vampirism.
    • Your health and stamina will increase, as well as stamina regeneration.
    • Your carrying capacity will increase 2000 pts as a wolf.
    • You can use Howls, which are similar to shouts. Howls drives enemies away.
    • You will have claws which act as both weapon and protection.
  3. Step 3 Understand downsides.
    Google images Step 3 Understand downsides.
    Understand downsides. As nice as the upsides are, there are a number of downsides of which you should be aware.
    • Silver harms anyone, but as a werewolf--especially in wolf form--silver hurts you even more than before.
    • You will not receive any resting bonuses.
    • Racial abilities will not carry over.
    • You cannot use equipment, magic, or other powers.
    • If NPC'S witness your transformation, they will run, or attack you. In the least case they will treat you like an outsider, saying "I find your wolfish grin... unsettling." "You smell like a wet dog." "Is that... Hair growing out of your ears?" and even "Ah, you've been playing with your hounds again?" But Eorlund Gray-Mane will defend you if you transform in the middle of Whiterun.
  4. Step 4 Cure yourself of lycanthropy.
    Google images Step 4 Cure yourself of lycanthropy.
    Cure yourself of lycanthropy. You may wish to cure yourself of lycanthropy. Unless you have activated the Dawnguard Expansion Pack* (*Aela can give you blood once more) or downloaded a mod, it will be impossible to become a werewolf again.



  • You can't use healing potions or spells while in Beast Form, so be careful. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • You can only use it once a day unless you are wearing the Ring of Hircine (then it is two times a day), so use it wisely. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • NPCs will turn on you if they see you transform. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0