Going to the store or ordering groceries home: we analyze the pros and cons of both approaches.

Going to the store or ordering groceries home: we analyze the pros and cons of both approaches

Which side are you on?

What's happening in the delivery market now?

By historical standards, deliveries appeared in our lives recently and became very popular during the pandemic. It wasn’t exactly a free choice, it’s just that at that time many had no other opportunity to replenish the refrigerator. Since then there have been some changes.

According to a Tinkoff Data study, from January 2020 to April 2023, the number of e-grocery clients increased 13 times. At the same time, food delivery is mainly a matter for the capitals. 40% of customers are residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, 15% are residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. This is due, among other things, to the fact that the corresponding services began their journey from the largest cities and are gradually entering the regions. And at the same time, the share of customers choosing such services instead of going to the store is growing.

At the same time, in 2020, the average Russian ordered delivery approximately 1.3 times a month, and now - four. The average bill decreased by 45% - from 2,188 to 1,088 rubles. Analysts attribute this to the fact that in 2020 people placed orders more warily, but now it has become routine. However, the change in the average bill may indicate another trend, especially taking into account rising prices: citizens still prefer to buy basic products themselves in stores. And delivery is ordered situationally: you’ve run out of onions or you want chips and soda. Because 1,088 rubles cannot fit a week’s supply of food.

Based on all this data, we can conclude that, despite impressive figures such as a 13-fold increase, delivery as the main method of purchasing groceries is still unpopular. Or maybe in vain? Let's figure it out.

What to consider when choosing - go to the store or order delivery

We cannot evaluate what is best for you, because everything is very individual, and sometimes even rational. But we will tell you what to look for in order to decide.

Each criterion is ultimately ambiguous. For one person this will be a plus, for another it will be a minus. Therefore, we will analyze important points regarding the delivery or purchase of products in a store from all sides.

Going to the store allows you to carefully choose a product

This is an important argument for many. Directly in the supermarket you can turn the product over, check the expiration date, and choose the ripest ones from the fruit basket.

The statement is fair, but not always. Often, order pickers are highly motivated to find the freshest and whole packages. Otherwise, the user will complain, the service will return his money. And it will be the employee who is to blame. But here a lot will depend on how much your views on a particular product coincide. For example, you like bananas that have begun to darken. And the person puts the ones with greens in the bag, because they will arrive intact. Or kefir is close to its expiration date because you want to bake pancakes. And the collector chooses today's one.

Plus, the capabilities of the service itself are also important. In some, the employee simply looks for an order in the store. He, of course, chooses from what is available. But often the chains’ own delivery services involve collecting orders not in the supermarket hall, but in a warehouse. That is, you will get apples that other buyers have not touched, and lettuce that has been stored at the right temperature.

There is no universal conclusion here. Sometimes the picker will choose even better products to order than you. But it is impossible to say unequivocally that you are insured against failures.

Going to the store is more economical because you don’t have to pay for delivery

Going to the store or ordering groceries home: we analyze the pros and cons of both approaches
pikisuperstar / Freepik / Maria Mureeva / Life hacker

Delivery services are not engaged in charity. You have to pay for the pleasure of not leaving home. The cost may vary depending on the city, but for St. Petersburg it is as follows:

  • “Okay” - 99 rubles, when ordering over 1,900 rubles - free.
  • “Tape” - 99 rubles + 59 rubles assembly.
  • Metro - 299 rubles + 5 rubles for the 31st and each subsequent kilogram in the order.
  • “Auchan” - 149 rubles, free from 3 thousand.

If you order delivery not every day, but, say, once a week, it won’t be that expensive. Especially if you meet the threshold amount and call a courier for free. So you won’t be able to save a lot by going to the store yourself.

But there is a downside here too. For some people, paying 150 rubles four times a month is already a lot. In addition, deliveries are usually not organized by the cheapest networks. So ordering delivery may indeed be less profitable, because the person himself, for example, usually goes to stores in a different price category.

However, do not forget that if you make purchases on your own, this often involves associated costs. Let's say you need to refuel your car, pay for public transport or a taxi. It may end up being even more expensive.

Delivery saves time

This argument logically comes after the next one because they are related. Delivery may be more expensive, but it saves a much more valuable and irreplaceable resource - time.

Although here a lot depends on how valuable your time is and how you spend it. If the choice is between going to the store and taking a walk in the park with your child, you should definitely choose delivery. But if instead you spend hours scrolling through short videos on social media, maybe the supermarket isn't such a bad choice. In the process, you will at least engage in some kind of physical activity and take your eyes off the screen.

Well, plus people have different attitudes towards going to the store. If this is torture for a person, then, indeed, saving time and doing something else is right. Life is too short not to at least try to spend it on nice things. But for some it is a holiday, entertainment. And then it’s not a duty, but a way to relax, so it’s cruel to deprive yourself of pleasure.

Delivery makes it easier to stick to your budget

Imagine: you come to the store, walking with a cart between the aisles. And then there’s something interesting on one shelf, on the other... As a result, the checkout line is overflowing with goods that you didn’t even plan to buy. For many, this is a familiar situation. Because here it is all before your eyes, how to stay here.

With deliveries, this is also possible if you go, for example, to the discounts section or just scroll through the app for a long time. But usually people follow a specific list, say, from previous purchases. This makes the selection of products more uniform, but reduces the risk of spending more.

On the other hand, deliveries practically eliminate the chance of your eyes stumbling upon something and remembering that this is the product you need. So when making in-app purchases, you will have to plan your future menu better.