Pumping: training “all for 30 seconds” for the main muscle groups.

Pumping: training “all for 30 seconds” for the main muscle groups

An intensive circuit routine for those who want to quickly work out their entire body.

This is a complex from Arnold Schwarzenegger's exercise guide. The workout consists of three rounds of strength exercises, does not require equipment and allows you not only to increase your heart rate, but also to pump up the main muscle groups well.

How to do the workout

The complex consists of three separate circles with a set of different exercises. You perform each of them for 30 seconds, then rest until the end of the minute and start the next one.

Pauses between exercises can be varied depending on your level of training. Beginners are allowed to increase the rest to 60 seconds, and more trained people, on the contrary, can reduce it to 15 seconds.

After completing all the exercises from the first round, rest for the prescribed time and start over. Repeat the circle 2-3 times and move on to the next one.

Round 1:

  1. Bear walk.
  2. Stepping with the right foot.
  3. Push-ups, alternate the setting each circle: narrow, normal, wide.
  4. Stepping with the left foot.
  5. Gluteal bridge on the left leg.
  6. Climber.
  7. Gluteal bridge on the right leg.

Round 2:

  1. Plank.
  2. Air squats.
  3. Jump squats.
  4. The urge to superman.
  5. Lunges from the left leg.
  6. Lunges with the right leg.

Round 3:

  1. Push ups.
  2. Split squats on the left leg.
  3. Split squats on the right leg.
  4. Holding a squat.
  5. Reverse crunches.

How to do the exercises

Bear walk

Place your palms on the floor, bend your legs slightly and move in this position.

Boxing Steps

Place one foot on a stable platform about 50 cm high. Shift your body weight to this leg and rise up onto the support. Smoothly lower back down and repeat on the same leg.

Try not to turn your knee inward during the lift, keep your back straight and do not rest your hands on your thigh.

Push ups

Stand in a lying position, place your palms under your shoulders, tighten your abs. Perform push-ups until your chest touches the floor, try to keep your back straight.

For push-ups with a narrow hand position, place your palms close to each other, so that the fingers of your left touch the fingers of your right.

During wide-arm push-ups, place your palms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Make sure your shoulders are positioned at an angle of about 45° from your body and your elbows point back.

Single leg glute bridge

Lie on your back, place your arms along your body, bend one leg at the knee, and straighten and lift the other. Leaning on your feet and shoulders, lift your pelvis off the floor and fully straighten your hip joints. Pause for a second, lower to the starting position and repeat.

Rock climber

Stand in a prone position. Bend your knees one at a time, bringing them closer to your chest and bringing them back. Alternate your legs as you jump, and make sure your pelvis doesn't swing up and down too much during the movement.


Stand in a lying position, tighten your abs and buttocks. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Make sure your lower back doesn't sag.

Air squats

Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor or lower. Make sure your heels do not lift off and your back remains straight.

Jump Squats

After each squat, jump up low. Try not to pause between squatting and jumping and make sure your back remains straight.

The urge to superman

Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms up, connect and straighten your legs. Lift your body off the floor as far as you can and secure the position.

Bend your elbows and bring your shoulders to your sides. Imagine that you are trying to pull some object towards you on a rope. Then straighten your arms above your head again and repeat. Do not lower your chest to the floor until the end of the exercise.


Perform backward lunges, alternating legs. Make sure your back remains straight; you can tilt your body forward slightly.

Split squats

Place the toe of one foot on the box and perform squats until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Make sure that the knee of your working leg does not turn inward, keep your back straight.

Squat hold

Lean your back against the wall and lower yourself into a squat until your knee joints are at a right angle. Hold the position for 30 seconds.

Reverse crunches

Lie on your back, raise your legs and bend your knees at a right angle. Place your hands along your body, palms down. Lift your pelvis off the floor and lift your legs up, then return to the starting position and repeat.

Tell us in the comments how do you like the workout?