While the king and Kate Middleton are battling cancer, Prince Harry is embroiled in a sex scandal.

While the king and Kate Middleton are battling cancer, Prince Harry is embroiled in a sex scandal

The disgraced prince's star friend became a defendant in a criminal case. The victims' statements include the name of the youngest son of Charles III.

It seems that the British royal family is in trouble again - and again because of Prince Harry. The king's youngest son has repeatedly given rise to loud scandals; every mention of him in the press makes Buckingham Palace tremble.

Even after Prince Harry abandoned his official duties and moved with his wife Meghan Markle to the United States, things did not get any easier. Already from overseas, the family constantly reminds itself of itself with new interviews and statements. As a result, King Charles III tries not to communicate with his son, and Prince William, apparently, has decided to permanently sever relations with his brother. But it’s still impossible not to react to the Sussexes’ antics; one way or another it always affects the Windsors.

While the king and Kate Middleton are battling cancer, Prince Harry is embroiled in a sex scandal
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

On March 26, another scandal erupted in which Prince Harry found himself - this time the story has sexual overtones. Proceedings in the case of rapper P. Diddy have resumed in the United States - searches were carried out in his house. Neighbors insist that the musician and his friends regularly organize noisy parties, to which he brings girls in swimsuits. Many of them are not happy to be in the artist’s house.

This story has been going on since 2023; back in November, P. Diddy was accused of years of sexual and physical abuse. Then the rapper’s ex-lover wrote a statement, but then withdrew the claim. It seems the matter has taken a new turn. Now, stories of human trafficking have been added to the allegations of sexual abuse. Many celebrities were involved, including Prince Harry.

According to the Daily Mail, the Duke is named in the 73-page lawsuit. The rapper’s victims write that friendship with such famous people gives him a feeling of impunity, allows him to earn money and attract victims.

The fact that P.Diddy knows the prince is proven by their photo together, taken back in 2007.

Kanye West, Prince Harry and P Diddy
Kanye West, Prince Harry and P Diddy

It is worth noting that there are no claims against Harry; he is not accused of anything. But the very fact that a representative of the royal family found himself in dubious company immediately gave rise to a lot of speculation. It is no secret that the prince had a turbulent youth; they say that one of the strippers is still blackmailing him.