Pumping: a short warm-up to prevent slouching.

Pumping: a short warm-up to prevent slouching

Do it three times a day to loosen tight muscles.

If you sit often for long periods of time, such as at a computer or in a car, your back and shoulder muscles may feel stiff.

This complex will help stretch tense muscles, increase mobility of the shoulders and thoracic spine, and strengthen the upper back.

You can do the exercises in the morning and evening before bed, and if you work from home, then in between tasks.

How to warm up

The complex includes:

  1. Deflection in the thoracic region.
  2. Moving your hands behind your back.
  3. YWT on the floor.
  4. Reverse bridge.
  5. Turn on all fours.

Perform the first four exercises for 60 seconds, and the last for 30 seconds on each side.

How to do the exercises

Deflection in the thoracic region

Find low, solid support. A chair or the edge of a bed will do.

Kneel in front of the chosen support, place your elbows on it and lean forward so that your head is between your hands.

As you exhale, pull your chest toward the floor, stretching your shoulders. As you inhale, round your back. Continue alternating positions until the end of the minute.

Try to lower your chest as low as possible, but at the same time make sure that your lower back remains level.

Moving your hands behind your back

You will need an expander band. If you don't have one, you can use a clothing belt or a long towel.

Grasp the ends of the found object at a distance twice as wide as your shoulders. Move your arms straight behind your back and then return them back.

If this is no problem, move your hands a little closer together and repeat. Find a distance where you feel some tension in your shoulders, but you can still move your arms behind your back and back without bending your elbows.

YWT on the floor

Lie on your stomach, extend your arms above your head and spread them slightly to the sides so that your body resembles the letter Y. Turn your hands over with your thumbs facing up.

Lift your hands off the floor and hold them in that position. Count to three, and then bend your elbows so that your body resembles the letter W. Hold this position for the next three seconds.

After that, straighten your arms to turn into the letter T. Count to three again, and then return to W and Y. You can lower your hands to the floor and rest for a couple of seconds. Then start again and continue working for a minute.

Reverse bridge

Sit on the floor, bend your knees. Place your palms next to your pelvis. Your fingertips should point away from you.

Lift your pelvis off the floor and lift it as high as possible so that your back and hips are in one line. Feel your chest opening. Make sure your shoulders are straight and not pulled up towards your ears.

Hold the position for three seconds, then lower your pelvis to the floor and repeat from the beginning.

Turn on all fours

Get on all fours and hold a yoga block, foam roller, or other small hard object between your knees.

Place your right hand behind your head, and then turn your body to the left and touch your right elbow to your left. Make sure your hips don't move.

Smoothly return to a straight position, and then rotate your chest to the right, trying to point your elbow towards the ceiling. Here it is important to turn as much as possible in the thoracic region, and leave the lower back in a neutral position.

Return to starting position and repeat. Perform 30 seconds on each arm.

Tell us about your feelings from the warm-up in the comments.