Contemporary reforms and market failure.

Contemporary reforms and market failure
Table of Contents

The practical critique of welfare economics challenges the reliance on governments to remedy market shortcomings. This critique is often associated with public choice theorists and the Austrian school of economics. If markets can fail to deliver socially optimal outcomes, so can governments. Bureaucrats are not altruistic but, rather, act from self-interest. Traditional civil service processes are opaque and make bureaucrats unaccountable for their actions. Incentives in the civil service promote decisions that are incompatible with efficient production. These attributes of civil services lead to more inefficient production than open market conditions would yield. Markets may fail, but governments fail more. So if market failures are to be solved, these critics argue, government is not the answer.

Reforms of the public sector, in particular the variety developed in Britain and New Zealand in the 1980s, have relied on public choice scholarship for inspiration and guidance. Privatization, contracting out, and rationalization of public administration have changed how governments act to deal with market failure. The general trend in these reforms has been to introduce markets to alleviate the shortcomings of government controls while questioning or eliminating the conditions for market failure.

The most significant changes have probably been in how governments understand increasing economies of scale production. That telecommunications, utilities, and postal services were increasing returns to scale across all levels of output was challenged in the early 1980s. Before that, the consensus throughout the industrialized world was that they were. Hence, leaving production to the free market was considered inefficient because it would result in monopolies or no production at all. That logic could justify governments’ either owning these producers or tightly regulating their pricing and structure. But in the early 1980s that consensus ended, and governments throughout the industrialized world began to sell their stakes in such operations in whole or in part or break up regulated private monopolies. In addition, evidence indicates that governments significantly increased their roles in market regulation in place of exercising ownership control. In general, governments came to focus on setting the terms for property rights and competition. Pricing and production levels were left to individual firm and consumer decisions in the markets.

Other initiatives sought to introduce markets in place of government to deal with externalities. One was to make markets in air pollution rights in place of limits, taxes, and fines on individual producers. The 1990 amendment to the U.S. Clean Air Act introduced sulfur emissions rights, a market for trading them, and a total allowable level of sulfur emissions. The amendment set limits on the total allowable levels of sulfur in the air. It distributed tradable discharge permits (TDPs) for sulfur among existing polluters. The act also implemented the allowance trading system, which lets polluters sell or buy pollution rights from one another. In the period up to 2000, the U.S. government gradually decreased the total allowable level of sulfur emissions but left the negotiation and distribution of the impact to market decisions by polluters. That reform attempted to transform sulfur pollution from an externality to a part of the cost structure of individual sulfur emitters.

Finally, goods traditionally considered public have been reconsidered. A prominent example is inner-city road pricing in London, England. There technology affected the nonexcludability of public streets. Access to city streets remained physically unrestricted, but, by electronically registering the cars that use the streets and charging the car owners, London was able to charge users for the privilege, effectively excluding drivers unwilling to pay. London streets are no longer strictly a public good.

Erik Bækkeskov