Natalya Senchukova named the person responsible for her son’s divorce.

Natalya Senchukova named the person responsible for her son’s divorce

The heir to the star family lived in marriage with his wife for only 11 months. He did not want to name the reason for the separation, but almost immediately introduced his new love to the public.

Recently, the names of Viktor Rybin and Natalya Senchukova are increasingly appearing in the press. However, the reason for discussion is not the spouses, who have been together for more than 30 years, but their son. 

After all, last year 24-year-old Vasily married his classmate Daria Alyabyeva. The couple had been in a relationship for eight years and had known each other since kindergarten. Everyone believed in the longevity of their union. However, their marriage soon broke up. They realized that they no longer wanted to be together, and, without living even a year under the same roof, they divorced. 

Natalya Senchukova named the person responsible for her son’s divorce
Vasily Rybin and Daria Alyabyeva

The artist's parents were surprised by their son's decision, but they supported him. Vasily again moved to live in their house with full support, as he began to have problems with finances. 

Rybin and Senchukova did not go into details of their son’s divorce. In an interview, they said that the young people did not get along in character. But Vasily himself, despite his activity on social networks, did not want to let strangers into his personal life.  

Vasily Rybin and Daria Alyabyeva
Vasily Rybin and Daria Alyabyeva

But recently, a young man and his mother appeared on Lera Kudryavtseva’s show “Secret for a Million,” where they talked about both their past and their present. 

“I can’t say what exactly happened. this grew over a long period of time. There was jealousy in an acute form, but I didn’t want my brains to be messed with, and I didn’t want to quarrel, because it would leave an unpleasant aftertaste,” admitted Vasily.

Rybin Jr. also stated that his ex-wife did not accept his lifestyle and love of creativity, where there are no divisions into male and female. For example, it was normal for him to change clothes with girls in the same room, but for her it was not. 

Another stumbling block was finances:

“A complete mismatch of life positions and interests. And also some of my inability to satisfy human desires.”

Vasily Rybin
Vasily Rybin

Although Natalya Senchukova tried to save the collapsing family - she spoke with Vasily and Daria. After all, I saw that my daughter-in-law didn’t want to become an ex, but no one was able to do anything:

“I say : “Dasha, you know Vasya, it’s actually very easy with him, he just needs attention.” Then she said: “Something was wrong with me, I behaved wrong.” She wanted to save the relationship. And we wanted to. She admitted that she behaved wrongly, but it was too late.”

Natalya Senchukova named the person responsible for her son’s divorce
Google images
Valeria and Vasily" class="image-caption" data-v-19412b14>

Valeria and Vasily

But Vasily speaks more readily about current relationships. After all, he is happy with 19-year-old student Valeria, an eyebrow master. Their romance began almost immediately after the divorce. And this girl, according to him, suits him better. She earns good money, surprises her lover with gifts and behaves completely differently from his ex-wife.

“She can take me to a restaurant and pay the bill. When she did this for the first time, my eyes widened: “Are you some kind of saint, or what?” This was unusual for me. How can a girl pay for me, and even five years younger than me,” Rybin Jr. shocked with his revelations.

Natalya Senchukova named the person responsible for her son’s divorce
Valeria and Vasily
Natalya Senchukova named the person responsible for her son’s divorce
Vasily and Valeria

The couple met at Vasily’s work. He taught the girl the basics of musical art. It was against the backdrop of a love for creativity that passion flared up between them. Now they love spending time at various concerts.

Photo: social networks