“The wizard doctors patched it up”: Igor Nikolaev got in touch from the hospital.

“The wizard doctors patched it up”: Igor Nikolaev got in touch from the hospital

The artist felt bad with his heart again. This is already the second hospitalization this year.

News that singer and composer Igor Nikolaev was hospitalized appeared on September 15. The artist was hospitalized in the intensive care ward due to heart problems and did not make himself known for almost a day.

His representative and wife remained silent. But now, apparently, the dangerous situation has passed; doctors say that the artist is recovering.

“The wizard doctors patched it up”: Igor Nikolaev got in touch from the hospital
Igor Nikolaev

MK 's source confirmed that he spoke with Nikolaev by phone. The composer assured that everything was relatively fine with him. The patient noted that “the wizard doctors patched him up.”

The day before it was reported that the artist was in intensive care. But given that he answers phone calls, we can assume that the situation is not so critical.

“If people end up in intensive care, their phones, as a rule, are taken away and any calls before discharge from the ward, if this discharge does take place, are prohibited,” noted a friend of the artist.

  • Igor Nikolaev in intensive care - serious heart problems
“The wizard doctors patched it up”: Igor Nikolaev got in touch from the hospital
Igor Nikolaev and Yulia Proskuryakova

It must be said that in 2023 this is the second time that an artist has been hospitalized due to heart problems. In January he became ill and doctors decided to perform an emergency operation. He had two stents installed. But six months later the situation got out of control again. Two years ago, the author of the hit “Let’s Drink to Love” suffered a heart attack.

For now, the 63-year-old artist is under medical supervision, and doctors are in no hurry to make predictions. Perhaps the artist has problems not only with his heart.

“The wizard doctors patched it up”: Igor Nikolaev got in touch from the hospital
Igor Nikolaev and Yulia Proskuryakova

Looking at the latest shots of Igor Nikolaev on the social network, they note that the artist may also suffer from problems with the liver and kidneys. This disease is a consequence of a busy work schedule or alcohol abuse.

The hospital admits that the eminent patient will need another heart operation. Now more serious than bypass surgery.

This time, Yulia Proskuryakova does not comment on the situation, but at the beginning of the year she scolded her fans:

“Is it really impossible for a person, even a popular one, to simply feel unwell, seek help and undergo an examination with a prescription for treatment while lying in the hospital? Well, we got scared and called an ambulance, there’s nothing supernatural about it...” said Yulia.

Photo: Legion-Media