40-year-old Kandelaki admitted that she had to change for the sake of her 29-year-old husband.

40-year-old Kandelaki admitted that she had to change for the sake of her 29-year-old husband

Tina Kandelaki and her husband Vasily Brovko will celebrate a chintz wedding in December. For 10 months, the media personality never gave candid interviews about her relationship with her husband, but shortly before her first anniversary, she decided to talk about how she lives in marriage.

The general producer of the Match TV channel gave an interview to the Daughters-Mothers portal, in which she talked about how her relationship with her husband Vasily Brovko is developing.

“I am already too old a woman for marriage to help me realize myself in some way. I think it’s wonderful when people are in a relationship and “get on” each other a little. Our “halves” seem better to us than they really are. It’s the same with Vasily and I, but we weren’t too lazy to make efforts to make our fantasies become reality. We are capable of change. Otherwise, why live with a person when you are no longer able to surprise each other with anything,” Tina said in a conversation with the publication’s correspondent.

The star also shared the secret of maintaining harmony in the family. Kandelaki believes that marriage is, first of all, constant compromises. The celebrity also believes that it is impossible to be interested in your spouse if he does not develop, does not grow above himself.

Vasily and Tina are brought together by many common interests, for example, work - after all, the couple has a joint business. “In addition, he is a very active and passionate person, just like me. So here, too, we have a lot in common,” noted the media personality.