Test: can you guess what “love” sounds like in different languages ​​of the world?.

Test: can you guess what “love” sounds like in different languages ​​of the world?

After our test, you will be able to confess your feelings in almost any country in the world.

Love is a complex, but at the same time wonderful feeling. Usually words are unnecessary here, but how nice it is to hear “I love you” - and no less nice to know that there is a person to whom you can say this too.

Have you ever wondered how people say “I love you” in different countries? Everyone knows the English pronunciation “ay love yu” or the French “same tem”. What do Arabs, for example, say?

We have prepared a test with declarations of love - try to guess what language they are written in.

Test: can you guess what “love” sounds like in different languages ​​of the world?
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