The investigation refused to recognize the Khachaturian sisters’ murder of their father as self-defense.

The investigation refused to recognize the Khachaturian sisters’ murder of their father as self-defense

The trial of Krestina, Angelina and Maria could begin as early as mid-July. The girls will be charged with murder by prior conspiracy.

The Baza Telegram channel was the first to report that on May 13, the investigation does not believe that the murder of their father by the three Khachaturian sisters should be classified as self-defense.

The Investigative Committee of Russia is confident that the classification of the Khachaturian case as “Murder by prior conspiracy” is the only correct one.

At the end of January, the prosecutor's office appealed this decision and returned the case to the Investigative Committee, since the psychological trauma of the sisters was not taken into account, but it could have influenced their decision to cross the line and commit a crime. Now the case will be returned to the prosecutor's office.

The investigation refused to recognize the Khachaturian sisters’ murder of their father as self-defense
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The trial, according to the younger sister's lawyer, could begin as early as July. “The investigative and prosecutorial stage will definitely take place in May-June. Then, if the prosecutor’s office says that it is sending the case to court, then we will wait for the trial to begin,” explained Yaroslav Pakulin.

The investigation refused to recognize the Khachaturian sisters’ murder of their father as self-defense
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The lawyer also noted that the defense has not yet had time to familiarize itself with the inspection materials.

“Now the Investigative Committee is re-preparing the case in order to again send it to the prosecutor’s office. But to do this, it is necessary to fulfill the requirement to familiarize the parties with the material - now this is being done by the injured party. We haven’t started yet,” Pakulin said.

The investigation refused to recognize the Khachaturian sisters’ murder of their father as self-defense
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Let us remind you that the case of the Khachaturian sisters is one of the most resonant cases of 2018. Krestina, Angelina and Maria killed their father Mikhail. They inflicted numerous blows on him with piercing and cutting objects. They were 19, 18 and 17 years old at the time of the crime.

When the girls were detained, they immediately confessed to what they had done. During the investigation, it turned out (and was proven) that the father sexually abused his daughters, beat them and used them as slaves.

Photo: Press service of the Moscow City Court/TASS, Stanislav Krasilnikov, Sergei Karpukhin/TASS