A girl with a past: new details about the 24-year-old bride of 84-year-old Ivan Krasko.

A girl with a past: new details about the 24-year-old bride of 84-year-old Ivan Krasko

The news that 84-year-old actor Ivan Krasko intends to marry his former student, 24-year-old Natalya Shevel, caused a public outcry. New details from the life of future newlyweds are appearing in the media: it turns out that marriage with a people’s artist will not be the first for his bride.

The news that Ivan Krasko decided to marry for the fourth time became the subject of heated discussions - the artist is 60 years older than his bride, and the public has a hard time believing in the love of a young girl for a man old enough to be her father.

However, for the young actress Natalya Shevel (that is the name of Krasko’s new chosen one), this marriage will not be the first either. At the age of 19, the girl married a certain Roman, a young man far from the world of art. True, the marriage did not last long - after two years of marriage, the couple divorced due to... regular infidelities on Natalia's part.

Shevel does not deny accusations of adultery on the part of her former mother-in-law - on the contrary, in an interview with the Metro newspaper, she stated that she considers her ex-husband to blame for this: “I will answer this: good men do not cheat. This means that the husband was so unimportant, he did something wrong, since he could not save the family and make his woman happy.” The girl also called Roman a “careless husband” and complained that he was not particularly worried when he found out that she was leaving for another man.

The aspiring actress also has controversial topics with Ivan Krasko - the 84-year-old actor, for example, wants her to give birth to a daughter. But Natalya herself agrees to take this step only in one case - if they have their own living space. Let us recall that after a divorce from his third wife, Natalya Vyal, the artist left her and two sons born in marriage an apartment. So now he is forced to share housing with his son’s widow, Margarita, and grandson Kirill. And this fact greatly confuses Krasko’s young bride.

The girl does not allow her future husband close to her, however, Ivan Ivanovich is confident that he will achieve the favor of his chosen one on his wedding night.

The wedding of Ivan Krasko and Natalya Shevel is scheduled for September 9. The costs of the celebration were covered by the actor’s friends, so the newlyweds managed to save on this expensive event. They won’t have a honeymoon either - on September 12, Krasko should already shine on the theater stage, opening the new season.