Now it’s official: 84-year-old Ivan Krasko married his 24-year-old muse.

Now it’s official: 84-year-old Ivan Krasko married his 24-year-old muse

84-year-old actor Ivan Krasko was legally married to 24-year-old Natalya Shevel. The couple's wedding took place in St. Petersburg, surrounded mainly by close friends of the groom, and the bride was almost late to the registry office.

Ivan Krasko and his beloved Natalya Shevel formalized their relationship in the Admiralty Registry Office of St. Petersburg. Despite the fact that this was the fourth marriage for the artist, he, according to the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda , was worried like a young man and even remembered his youth, putting on his old military uniform for the wedding, which had been perfectly preserved over the years.

“This is the uniform I wore when I was 23. I decided to go back to your age when I was like this. Did you understand this? Did you appreciate it? - Krasko addressed the bride, who arrived at the wedding 5 minutes before registration and was noticeably nervous. 

In front of the groom, guests and photographers, Shevel, who did not sleep until 5 in the morning, appeared in a rather discreet white dress embroidered with lace.

The witness on Krasko’s side was the director of the Komisarzhevskaya Theater, where the actor works, and on the bride’s side, a university friend. The girl’s mother, who lives in Crimea, did not come to her daughter’s wedding, and in general was not too happy about her choice.

After the ceremony, the newlyweds went for a walk around the city and a photo shoot, and for the evening they have a banquet planned at the House of Actors.

There were almost more press representatives at the wedding than guests. In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Natalya Shevel explained why she is not going to give birth to a child for her husband : “They have children when they lack intelligence. It doesn’t cost anything to get pregnant, give birth, it’s easier than a steamed turnip. But I understand very well that I can’t even have a cat. I really want a cat, I love animals. But there is no home. And here is a child! And if, God forbid, what happened to Ivan Ivanovich? We all walk under God. I don't want to bury him prematurely, but it's obvious that he will leave earlier. Even though he promised me seven years. It's good that he has such an inner attitude. God grant that he lives longer.”

The financial situation of the People's Artist is truly unenviable - after the third divorce, he is forced to huddle in a small apartment, where the widow of his son Andrei and grandson Kirill also live. The salary in the theater, as you know, is small, and so is the pension, so Ivan Ivanovich simply cannot surprise his young wife with anything other than talent and charm, but he tries very hard to create comfortable conditions for her.

Perhaps he will find funds for his own apartment, with the help of friends. “He always asks if I have enough money for travel and gives it to me, looks after me, brings coffee to bed. Any girl in my place would be happy and jealous of me. Of course, this is all wonderful, except for the fact that it is very difficult to live with a genius,” Shevel told about her life together with Krasko.