The wife of 55-year-old Igor Nikolaev gave birth to a daughter and named her.

The wife of 55-year-old Igor Nikolaev gave birth to a daughter and named her

On October 8, Igor Nikolaev and his wife Yulia Proskuryakova became parents! The 33-year-old singer gave the 55-year-old musician a daughter. The baby, weighing 2 kilograms 695 grams, was born at 7:34 am. The young mother announced the addition to the family on her Twitter.

Igor Nikolaev became a father for the second time! On October 8, the singer’s wife, 33-year-old Yulia Proskuryakova, gave birth to a daughter. On her Twitter, the new mother posted the first photo with the baby and shared details with fans.

“Today at 7:34, we gave birth to a girl, Veronica, 2 kg. 695 grams and 49 cm. Welcome, Daughter (hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved - note ProPedia),” the singer wrote.

To her message, Proskuryakova attached a touching photo in which she, lying in bed, tenderly hugs a tiny girl in a pink cap.

Fans, seeing this post, began to wholeheartedly congratulate Yulia: “Congratulations to you, good health to you and the baby. There is one more beauty in your family!”, “Sincere congratulations, Yulenka! This is happiness! Let your daughter grow up healthy and happy!”, “Congratulations to the baby with wonderful parents!”

By the way, Nikolaev, apparently, was not with his wife on the day of birth: now the artist is in Sochi at the New Wave 2015 festival .

Let us recall that rumors that Nikolaev and Proskuryakova would soon become parents appeared at the end of June . In July, the couple indirectly confirmed this news . For the 33-year-old singer, baby Veronica became the first child, while the 55-year-old musician has an eldest daughter, 37-year-old Yulia, from his marriage to Elena Kudryashova.

ProPedia congratulates Yulia and Igor on the birth of their heiress! We are sure that the girl will grow up to be as talented as her parents.