“I’m tired of lies about me”: seriously ill Svetlana Kryuchkova spoke about her life.

“I’m tired of lies about me”: seriously ill Svetlana Kryuchkova spoke about her life

Going through the difficult trials that life brings, the actress began to relate more easily to the inevitable.

In 2015, theater and film actress Svetlana Kryuchkova, quite by accident, thanks to her cat, was diagnosed with cancer in the fourth stage.

The artist began to experience severe pain and began visiting doctors. They checked, but said that there was nothing wrong. Only the actress’s cat lay down in the same place all the time and was nervous. Kryuchkova asked the doctors to find the cause, and they found it - a fourth stage tumor measuring 15 centimeters in size.

The actress was shocked - not everyone can withstand such a blow.

When Kryuchkova went to Germany for surgery, she had virtually no hope of recovery, but everything went well. But the insidious disease did not completely recede, and for 6 years now the artist has been fighting periodic relapses with the help of chemotherapy.

Svetlana Kryuchkova
Svetlana Kryuchkova

Due to her weakened body, Svetlana Kryuchkova began to appear in public much less often. The 72-year-old actress does not hide the fact that her health leaves much to be desired.

Last year, on top of everything else, she fell ill with coronavirus. The actress believes that it was a miracle that she survived.

“I was paralyzed on one side of my face for three months. I couldn't say the letter "p". I was saved by my sense of humor, my loved ones and, of course, doctors from the military medical academy. Our neurologists pulled me out,” said the KP actress.

Svetlana Kryuchkova
Svetlana Kryuchkova

In an interview for Teleprogramma.pro, Kryuchkova said that she now devotes all her time to creativity.

“You know, I wrote four books. Do you know why? Because I'm tired of lies about me. Don’t talk about what I didn’t do and didn’t talk about,” says Svetlana Nikolaevna.

According to the actress, she only does what she likes: “I didn’t give a damn about fashion and, to some extent, about money. I will not do what I don’t like, what I consider uninteresting, untalented, for any money.”

Kryuchkova speaks calmly about her illness—she perceives it simply as a fact of her biography. But the news that the artist prepared for her own funeral a year ago came as a shock to us. Svetlana herself is unperturbed: “Today I feel good, but tomorrow I won’t. But you don’t choose times, you live and die in them.”

Svetlana Kryuchkova
Svetlana Kryuchkova

When Svetlana Nikolaevna was finally diagnosed with a tumor, the first thing she did was rewrite her will and choose a dress for burial.

“I even wrote a letter in which I explained in detail how my loved ones should behave in the event of my death. I forbade the children to cry, and together with my masseuse I chose a dress for the last journey,” the actress shared her secret.

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Photo: Legion-Media, PhotoXPress.ru