43-year-old Tereshina is divorcing her 27-year-old husband to find a younger woman.

43-year-old Tereshina is divorcing her 27-year-old husband to find a younger woman

The ex-lead singer of the Hi-Fi group was burned in her marriage to a man 16 years younger than her, but despite all the disadvantages of such a relationship, she wants her next chosen one no older.

Tatyana Tereshina became famous thanks to her participation in the Hi-Fi group. The peak of the career of the Russian singer and model came precisely in the early 2000s, when she became the soloist of a popular musical group at that time. Soon gaining an army of fans, the celebrity began a solo career. 

Previously, she was credited with having affairs with colleagues and various wealthy men. However, the first chosen one was 25-year-old TV presenter Vyacheslav Nikitin, who was 7 years younger than Tatyana. The lovers had a daughter, Aris, and a couple of years later they separated. According to the star, Slava did not devote time to his daughter, was hot-tempered and unbalanced. 

43-year-old Tereshina is divorcing her 27-year-old husband to find a younger woman
Tatiana Tereshina

A year after the breakup, Tatyana introduced the public to her new lover, Vadim Bukharov. Now the age difference is 13 years. However, the romance did not last long, and already in 2018 the singer became pregnant from someone else.

43-year-old Tereshina is divorcing her 27-year-old husband to find a younger woman
Tatyana Tereshina with children

This time everything was serious - that same year Tereshina married Oleg Kurbatov. He is 16 years younger than the performer. In this marriage they had a son, Arseniy-Ostap. 

43-year-old Tereshina is divorcing her 27-year-old husband to find a younger woman
Google images
Oleg Kurbatov and Tatyana Tereshina

Their problems started back in 2021. Then Tatyana first announced the separation. However, after a couple of weeks she announced that she decided to give her husband a second chance. Now their relationship has completely collapsed. 

In the “The Stars Aligned” program on the NTV channel, the singer explained why this happened and what she was going to do next. According to the star, even before the wedding, thoughts crept in that her young chosen one was not ready for a serious relationship, much less a family and children, but she decided to try. “I understood that he was most likely still immature, if not immature, but I gave him a chance. I got pregnant 3.5 months after we met. Passion overtook me, but it was too late. And that’s good, the child is fantastic,” said the artist. 

43-year-old Tereshina is divorcing her 27-year-old husband to find a younger woman
Google images

Now she no longer feels the same feelings and emotions for Oleg - the passion has completely faded away. In addition, Kurbatov, due to his age, prefers to live his own life, not caring about living together with a child. 

“Why do I need a husband who doesn’t take part anywhere. How can I admire a man? I’m ready to be a fool, but he doesn’t give warmth or care, he just takes. He's childish. We are getting a divorce because of his immaturity. And it’s not a matter of age,” Tatyana clearly stated the reason. 

43-year-old Tereshina is divorcing her 27-year-old husband to find a younger woman
Tatiana Tereshina

By the way, it seems that the star really has no feelings for her husband, since she is already making plans for the future. Or rather, the next chosen one: “We have an age difference of 16 years, he is younger than me. And my next husband will be younger, I’m sure. I just love young people . "

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