“I have nothing left to save on”: a single mother from Leipzig admitted that she has nothing to live on.

“I have nothing left to save on”: a single mother from Leipzig admitted that she has nothing to live on

In countries that have imposed sanctions on Russia, the economic crisis has become increasingly felt by ordinary residents.

Due to the tense political situation in the world, residents of Great Britain, France and Germany began to dramatically save on everything, including food. For example, the Germans were advised to look for ways to save energy: spend less time taking a shower or not warm up the house, as they did before.

Prices for many things have more than doubled, forcing thousands of people into debt traps. For example, you will have to pay five thousand euros more for electricity, and if you fail to pay, it will be immediately turned off. Gasoline has also become significantly more expensive: if previously it was profitable for people to drive a personal car, now traveling by public transport seems like mere pennies.

“I have nothing left to save on”: a single mother from Leipzig admitted that she has nothing to live on
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Against the backdrop of the current agenda, BILD journalists took a report from a single mother, who simply has nowhere to squeeze her expenses.

Not far from the city of Leipzig live 41-year-old Lynn Schröder and her 11-year-old daughter Leah. Previously, they did not need anything: they could afford to travel once a year, go to entertainment centers, shopping, or a banal trip to the store for various goodies. But now, as the woman herself admits, “she has nothing to save on.”

“I have nothing left to save on”: a single mother from Leipzig admitted that she has nothing to live on
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A single mother works in an office, but the money she earns is becoming less and less every month and is not enough for a normal life. As she herself admits, inflation of 7.6%, rising energy prices, and the rising cost of shopping, clothing and gasoline are forcing her to look for new ways to survive in the modern world.

“I have nothing left to save on”: a single mother from Leipzig admitted that she has nothing to live on
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Lynn tries to ensure that her schoolgirl daughter does not feel poverty and grows up like all normal children. That's why she keeps a notebook of her income and expenses every month.

“I have nothing left to save on”: a single mother from Leipzig admitted that she has nothing to live on
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Schröder's standard salary is 1,800 euros. She also receives alimony from her father - 300 euros and 219 euros in child support from the state. 673 euros are spent on rent, about 1,500 thousand more on bills, insurance, loans, gasoline, food, pets and a child. It may seem that you can live quite normally with this money for the whole month and not go into the red, but the loving mother does not plan to infringe on her daughter in any way.

“I have nothing left to save on”: a single mother from Leipzig admitted that she has nothing to live on
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Thanks to her mother, the schoolgirl goes to school by bus every month, goes to her favorite section, eats well and even gets some pocket money.

“I have parties for Christmas, Easter and birthdays, but we can’t afford anything else. Traveling is not for us. I buy Christmas gifts in the summer because everything gets more expensive ,” says Lynn.

“I have nothing left to save on”: a single mother from Leipzig admitted that she has nothing to live on
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The woman also has an old Audi A3, which is now completely broken down. Repairs are expensive, and she can’t afford the 136 euro installment plan for a used car—a three-year-old Renault Clio.

And food in their family is bought exclusively at discount stores or simply at a discount: “I buy fruits and vegetables on Saturday evening at the maximum discount and always unplug the devices . ”

“I have nothing left to save on”: a single mother from Leipzig admitted that she has nothing to live on
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Lynn Schroeder doesn't have anyone to help her with any money. “Leah and I are on our own. We have neither grandparents nor other relatives, because the child’s father does not want any contact with us ,” the woman admits with regret.

Therefore, they hope that prices will soon return to normal and their lives will become the same again.

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Photo: Shutterstock/FOTODOM