“I was not one of those fairies who get into shape after leaving the maternity hospital”: the lead singer of “Nepara” told how difficult it is for her to regain her “pre-pregnancy” weight.

“I was not one of those fairies who get into shape after leaving the maternity hospital”: the lead singer of “Nepara” told how difficult it is for her to regain her “pre-pregnancy” weight

41-year-old Victoria Talyshinskaya admitted that she had gained a lot of weight after giving birth. Now the singer trains a lot and exhausts herself with strict diets in order to regain her former shape. 

A year and a half ago, Victoria Talyshinskaya became a mother for the first time : her daughter Varvara was born. During pregnancy, the lead singer of “Nepara” gained a lot of weight. The singer admits that she had never had problems with being overweight before; on the contrary, sometimes, looking at herself in the mirror, she realized that she could do with gaining a few kilograms. So when she stepped on the scale after giving birth, she was terrified. Talyshinskaya is sure that her ideal weight is 55 kilograms, and now she is struggling to return to the cherished figure. However, it's not that simple. 

“I was not one of those fairies who get in shape after leaving the maternity hospital and pump up their abs on the second day after giving birth,” Victoria said in an interview with Telenedelya .

The pop singer admits that she doesn’t like to exercise, but she forces herself to go to the gym three times a week. The singer's coach was a ballerina, a former soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. She created an individual lesson plan for her. 

Having tried many different diets, the pop star settled on two, which she periodically alternates. The first is aimed at cleansing the body: it is based on vegetable soup made from celery, bell pepper, cabbage and onions. She eats large quantities of it every day. Victoria's diet also includes fruits, vegetables, rice and lean meat. On the second diet, you are allowed to eat only buckwheat without salt, to which you can add a spoonful of olive oil, a drop of soy sauce or chicken broth and a piece of boiled chicken breast for taste.

Victoria has already lost five kilograms, and she still has as much to lose. Gradually, in small steps, she moves towards her goal. The singer was unpleasantly surprised that people judged her for being overweight . She is sure that recovery after childbirth is a natural process and it takes time.