25-year-old Natalya Krasko does not want to give birth to a child for her 85-year-old husband.

25-year-old Natalya Krasko does not want to give birth to a child for her 85-year-old husband

Every time one of the stars gets married, fans immediately begin to wonder when there will be a new addition to the newly-made family. However, in the case of the Krasko couple, things are different: the fact is that the difference between the spouses is 60 years. It seemed to the public that it was for this reason that the couple decided not to have offspring, but it turned out that in fact the 85-year-old actor was ready to become a father for the 6th time, but only his 25-year-old wife was against it.

Many fans of Ivan Krasko wondered: will the young wife give birth to a child for the People's Artist of Russia? The couple did not give a specific answer, but Natalya herself admitted that she dreams of a son, and her chosen one - of a daughter.

But it turned out that the couple’s dreams were not yet destined to come true: the aspiring actress believes that she is not ready to become a mother. Ivan Ivanovich spoke about this in an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

“We think about children mostly from the male side. But the young mother is still a little not ready. He says that until there is no housing, it’s simply criminal to think about it ,” the actor admitted and noted that he considers his wife a wise woman and absolutely trusts her.

Krasko does not put pressure on his wife: he wants to become a father again, but understands that Natalya is right - she needs to buy her own apartment. At the moment, the couple lives in St. Petersburg with Ivan Ivanovich’s relatives - the widow of his son Andrei, Margarita, and grandson, Kirill.

Let us recall that Natalya Shevel  married Ivan Krasko in September 2015 . The lovers' wedding caused a wide public outcry - even foreign media wrote about it. Skeptics were sure that this marriage was doomed to divorce, and in vain: for almost 9 months the couple has been absolutely happily married.