From a "musical heavyweight" Taylor Swift has turned into::: just a heavyweight.

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The other day, 27-year-old Taylor Swift appeared on stage for the first time in 10 months. It turns out that during this time the country singer not only managed to prepare a new album, but also changed a lot in appearance.

On December 2, Taylor Swift gave her first concert after a break of almost a year. All this time, the singer was actively working on a new album, which was released in November of this year. Apparently, in the process of writing and recording fresh hits, the star also actively leaned on buns and fast food - this is eloquently evidenced by photographs from her last performance. 

In them, Swift looks much plumper than just a few months ago - this was emphasized by ultra-short shorts.

Apparently, Taylor herself is not yet fully accustomed to her newfound shape and continues to wear things from her old wardrobe.

Fans, by the way, believe that the kilograms have not spoiled the singer at all. Detractors criticize the star for being overweight and advise her to go on a diet. Do you like the way Swift's figure looks now?