69-year-old Hillary Clinton wore a leather jacket for the first time in her life, but it would be better if it stayed in the 90s.

69-year-old Hillary Clinton wore a leather jacket for the first time in her life, but it would be better if it stayed in the 90s

During the presidential election campaign, Hillary Clinton showed images that often attracted the attention of fashion journalists. I wonder what they will say about a politician appearing in an outfit that she has never worn before?

After the inauguration of Donald Trump at the end of January this year, Hillary Clinton, who lost to him in the elections, disappeared from the sight of journalists and paparazzi. She appeared in public only two months later.

On the penultimate day of March, 69-year-old Clinton took part in a conference on women's rights in the business world. Everyone is used to seeing Hillary in pantsuits, but this time she decided to change her style. Instead of her favorite fitted jacket, the former US presidential candidate wore a leather jacket.

There seems to be nothing special about this, unless, of course, you take into account the fact that Hillary tried on such a thing for the first time. However, experts are confident that the choice of this particular outfit indicates that Clinton is again ready to declare herself in the political arena and do it quite loudly.