Star of the film “Battalion” Valeria Shkirando: “After shaving my head, I realized: I have never received so much male attention!”.

Star of the film “Battalion” Valeria Shkirando: “After shaving my head, I realized: I have never received so much male attention!”

The face of actress Valeria Shkirando looked at us from every second poster of the historical drama “Battalion”. Well-defined cheekbones, plump lips, soft gaze of bright blue eyes... Thanks to the combination of such an expressive appearance and talent, Valeria is already called the discovery of Russian cinema. Without wasting any time, ProPedia met with the promising actress.

Little is known about actress Valeria Shkirando. The charming blonde is 26 years old, unmarried, born and lives in St. Petersburg. His track record includes about 15 projects. Shkirando's recognition came from the role of Princess Vera Neklyudova in the film "Battalion", which tells the story of women at the front of the First World War... But how does Valeria herself live outside the film set?

ProPedia: Valeria, what changed in your life after the release of “Battalion” on screens?

Valeria Shkirando: I can say that the entire film crew changed internally while working on the project: we discovered many new facets, internal reserves, and grew as human beings. And the extent to which the film is now successful at the box office and resonates with viewers confirms my words. We worked sincerely, to the fullest extent possible.

After the release of the film, something personally changed in my life. There are a lot more interesting job offers, but I don’t want to talk about them or rush things yet (smiles) .

ProPedia: For the role in “Battalion” many actresses had to sacrifice their hair. Was this difficult for you?

V.Sh.: You know, “Battalion” is not the first film for me where I was asked to shave my head.

I came to the casting already with short hair. And what the audience sees in the frame - how they cut off my lush head of dark hair - is not my wealth, but a wig (smiles) .

Before participating in the film “Battalion,” I starred in a film where I was also shaved bald right in the frame. It was a very serious project in the art house genre. I played the role of a girl dying of cancer. However, the film is still in the post-production stage and has not been released widely.

ProPedia: How did you feel after you parted with your hair?

V.S.: When I was offered this story, I realized that I wanted to participate in this project. The director gave me a choice: either I get shaved on camera, or all this can be avoided. And then I thought: “What the hell? If we’re going to work honestly, then why not do everything the right way?”

Before filming this scene, about three days ago, I started having terrible jitters, because any woman is scared to part with her hair. I was afraid of feeling ugly, but it turned out the opposite.

At first, of course, there was a feeling that I was not just undressed, but skinned. I felt unprotected, like a child.

You can’t hide behind anything, hide from anyone, in plain sight... But quite quickly, self-confidence and a feeling of your own irresistibility appeared. I have never received so much male attention (smiles) !

ProPedia: Are you going to grow your hair?

V.S.: Yes, I want to get back the long blond curls that I had before filming. But at the same time, I realized that I was ready for any experiments with my appearance for the sake of a quality project.

I’m not at all afraid of seeming ugly or strange; on the contrary, it’s interesting to me. I would be happy to experiment with weight, like Christian Bale or Renee Zellweger. A gift of fate for me would be an image like Rooney Mara’s in the movie “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” - real trash.

ProPedia: When did you realize that you wanted to become an actress?

V.Sh.: It was somehow natural. Throughout my childhood I studied in theater clubs and studios, so the questions “where to go?” I did not have. I was also lucky that my teachers supported me at school. They understood what I wanted to do in the future and did not demand much from me. For example, teachers in physics and chemistry could easily give me a four instead of a two and often said: “Go, actress! Leave us alone" (smiles) .

ProPedia: What kind of child were you like as a child?

V.Sh.: Oh, terrible! (Laughs.)

I have a sister who is two years older than me, so she grew up as an angel, an intelligent, calm, serious child. Apparently, God decided that this was too big a gift for my parents and sent them a “sobering” child.

I was the complete opposite of my sister; I didn’t let my mom and dad live in peace. At an early age I screamed a lot at night. There were also problems at school, but not critical - I wasn’t kicked out, and I didn’t beat anyone, but I was a lively girl and didn’t mince words.

ProPedia: Can you be called a rebel?

V.Sh.: Rebel is probably an inaccurate word. I cultivate freedom in myself. Having choice and independence is very important to me. And this requirement is also present in relationships with the opposite sex: I will not tolerate restrictions on my freedom.

ProPedia: Can you compromise?

V.Sh.: Of course. I am flexible, and it seems to me that I will be the best wife in the world (smiles) .

ProPedia: Are you already planning a wedding?

V.S.: No, I’m definitely not going to get married in the near future. But, as they say, don’t give up. It is unknown how everything will turn out.

ProPedia: What should an ideal man be like for you?

V.Sh.: He must be strong internally. This is the most important thing for me. Then, of course, the mind. And by intelligence I also mean generosity, kindness, sense of humor. A smart person is automatically kind. I also attribute a sense of humor to intelligence.

ProPedia: Are you a self-critical person?

V.Sh.: Yes, very much. I have a fairly high bar, and sometimes it’s difficult for me to meet it. I am constantly in reflection, analyzing myself and relating it to the world. And therefore, it is very important for me that close people support and love me, and not criticize me. The world is already quite aggressive - it is important to be in love.

ProPedia: Do you have any actors you look up to?

V. Sh.: I have two favorite actresses - Svetlana Kryuchkova and Frances McDormand. For me they are ideal. Svetlana Kryuchkova is amazing and incredible, at any age and in any condition she is harmonious and beautiful. And I love Frances McDormand for her charisma, individuality, charm, sense of humor, and the power of self-irony. She is so organic in any role that I even envy (smiles) .

ProPedia: How do you see yourself in 20 years?

V.Sh.: Time will tell. But I know one thing: I want to work hard.

I am ready to spend all of myself, all my time and energy, working on myself, constantly improving and developing. What results will all this lead to is a secondary question, because our efforts are never in vain.

Everything comes back with greater or lesser returns, everything we have is what we deserve. That's why I want to grow and develop.

ProPedia: Do you have a list of things you want to do in life?

V. Sh.: I want to travel around the world and visit different parts of the world, see a lot. And, of course, I want children.

ProPedia: How many children would you like in your family?

V.Sh.: The more, the better. For example, five. But this time will not come soon, I am not ready for motherhood now. It seems to me that first I need to become a mature and harmonious person, but for now I don’t know when I can afford to bring someone else into this world.

I am focused on life and happiness. I don’t know what it will be like. And I don’t think that when I become a mother, I will give up work. I don't have specific stages or plans. This is all life, and you need to be in harmony, in balance.

ProPedia: Returning to earthly things, how do you watch your figure, what sports do you do?

V. Sh.: I have an unusual hobby - I play badminton. It's a good rest, a great cardio workout, and in this sport the moment of play is very strong, so you don't get tired. This is absolutely “my” sport.

ProPedia: Are there any other secrets to keeping your figure in shape?

V.Sh.: If we are talking about diets, then no. I love to eat (smiles) . But when I need to quickly lose extra pounds, I fast. I take it easy - it’s not difficult for me to survive three days on the water. Don’t worry, my stomach is good, I don’t have gastritis.

ProPedia: Do you cook yourself?

V.S.: Yes, I cook meat well. I like to improvise: go, for example, to “Azbuka Vkusa” or “Globus Gourmet”, throw various products into a basket, and then come home and create a small masterpiece out of it.

Honestly, I cook very well. But there are two options: either I will really cook a masterpiece, or I will burn down the kitchen (smiles) . There is no average.