She doesn’t even talk to her elders: what Kidman’s youngest daughters, for whom she became an ideal mother, look like.

She doesn’t even talk to her elders: what Kidman’s youngest daughters, for whom she became an ideal mother, look like

The actress gave all her love to the little ones, because the children she adopted with Tom Cruise chose to stay with their father after their parents’ divorce.

After the latest issue of The New York Times magazine came out, a new round of cancel culture began to gain momentum in Hollywood. This time, the children of the rich and famous turned out to be unwanted: Zoe Kravitz, Maya Hawke, Dakota Johnson and many other heirs of star dynasties who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

The crux of the complaint is that it was easy for them to succeed, while everyone else has to give it their all every day.

Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman
Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman

Not all “children of Hollywood” were targeted, but only those who from an early age enjoyed the privileges of their position. At the same time, not all stars mold their sons and daughters into future celebrities - many, on the contrary, prefer to raise them away from prying eyes.

Keith Urban
Keith Urban with his daughters

Nicole Kidman also adheres to this principle. Together with her husband Keith Urban, she goes out rarely, but she does not take her daughters Sunday and Faith to red carpets.

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

Fans of the actress see girls at most several times a year, so they are constantly surprised at how quickly they change. Recently they were caught at the airport with their parents. The entire family flew to Australia to celebrate Christmas there.

Apparently, the sisters are growing up completely different, and this is clear even by the style of clothing they choose. The eldest, Sunday, chose a comfortable tracksuit for the long flight. And the youngest, Faith, dressed up in a short skirt.

But even despite this, the girls are still very similar - both to each other and to their mother and father. According to the Western press, Kidman’s daughters were carried by a surrogate mother, since the actress herself was unable to give birth.

Nicole Kidman
Nicole Kidman with her daughters
Nicole Kidman
Nicole Kidman with her daughters

While still married to Tom Cruise, the star of the film “Moulin Rouge” suffered several miscarriages and then decided to adopt. Together with the actor, she took the girl Isabella and the boy Connor from the orphanage. Now they are 30 and 27 years old, respectively, and they do not maintain any contact with their mother. When Kidman and Cruise were divorcing, they sided with their father and chose to stay with him.

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise
Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise

Nicole is often accused of selflessly taking care of her younger daughters and barely remembering her older children, which characterizes her far from being the best mother in the world. The actress insists: her son and daughter are adults, and this decision depends not only on her.

Isabella Jane
Isabella Jane

She admits that she has become a little closer to Isabella lately and plans to give her a house when she has children. But Connor refuses to even talk to her.

Connor Anthony
Connor Anthony

The star insists: the discord in the family occurred not because she paid little attention to the children, but because of different views on life. After her divorce from Tom Cruise, the actress concentrated on developing her career, and they began, following the example of their father, to study Scientology and therefore maintained a much closer relationship with him.

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Photo: social networks, Getty Images, Legion-Media