Sobchak escapes Moscow traffic jams using a helicopter.

Sobchak escapes Moscow traffic jams using a helicopter

While Muscovites complain about eternal traffic jams, Ksenia Sobchak found an alternative option for moving around the capital. The 33-year-old TV presenter swapped her car for... a helicopter!

Moscow traffic jams exist for everyone: both ordinary people and celebrities. Tired of spending several hours on the road, Ksenia Sobchak began to look for alternative options for moving around the capital.

First,  the TV presenter went down to the subway . For the occasion, the star even dressed up: wearing high heels and a provocative skirt. But the passengers of public transport did not appreciate Ksenia’s “hard fashion”.

Then Sobchak decided to take a different route: if there are traffic jams on the ground, and no one understands her style underground, then why not try to move across the sky?

So the TV presenter found herself in a “reliable small helicopter”, which quickly took her from point “A” to point “B”.

Ksenia’s subscribers sadly envied her capabilities: “I want that too, traffic jams eat up your life! A very good idea - a helicopter!

But besides a helicopter, Sobchak has many other transportation options. Planes, trains, yachts... Ksenia has tried almost all types of transport! Which one do you like better? Answer this question by looking at our photo gallery.