He threw himself under the wheels of a car, fired his nanny, went on a drinking binge: Jason Sudeikis lost his head from love for the unfaithful Olivia Wilde.

He threw himself under the wheels of a car, fired his nanny, went on a drinking binge: Jason Sudeikis lost his head from love for the unfaithful Olivia Wilde

While the press is discussing the dramatic breakup of former lovers, Olivia herself shares the recipe for “that same” salad dressing. We talk about everything.

At the beginning of September, the public discussed the drama that unfolded on the set of the film “Don’t Worry, Sunshine.” The director of the film, Olivia Wilde, and the leading actor, Harry Styles, began an affair, which actress Florence Pugh did not really like - she, like many others, believed that at the time filming began, Olivia was still in a relationship with actor and comedian Jason Sudeikis, together with whom he is raising two children. However, Wilde herself assured that everything was wrong.

“The idea that I left Jason for Harry is completely wrong. Our relationship ended long before I met Harry,” Olivia said in an interview with Vanity Fair.

However, the nanny, who worked in the house of Sudeikis and Wilde for several years, is sure that Olivia is not telling the truth. The woman gave a long interview to the Daily Mail, in which she shared the details of the star drama. According to her, Wilde broke up with Jason not at the beginning of 2020, but a few weeks after she began filming Don't Worry, Sweetheart. Olivia also claimed that she and her ex-boyfriend remained friends; in reality, Sudeikis drank a lot alone and constantly repeated “she left us.”

Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis
Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde with a child

“He cried constantly. I didn't know what to say. He just cried and said that he loved her and would bring her back. His heart was broken—I felt so sorry for him. He started telling me details about her relationship with Styles and said that she set him up and made the first move. She kissed him ( Harry - ed. ) at one of the dinners in Palm Springs,” the nanny shared.

In addition, Olivia stopped appearing at home, justifying this by the fact that the coronavirus had broken out on the set, but Wilde simply preferred to live in a hotel in order to meet with Styles in peace. Sudeikis found out about the betrayal of his beloved woman by chance, after reading the correspondence between Olivia and her lover on the Apple watch. After that, Jason banned Styles' music from being played in his house, so no more Watermelon Sugar.  

But what Sudeikis was most upset about was... the salad dressing. The nanny revealed that the Ted Losso star was furious when he saw Olivia prepare a "salad with a special dressing" in the family kitchen and head out to dinner with Harry.

“She prepared the salad, made her special sauce and began to leave to have dinner with Harry. She has a special salad dressing that she makes just for the family, and she used it to make Harry's salad,” Sudeikis told the nanny.

Harry Styles
Harry Styles

Jason tried to stop Olivia and... lay down under the wheels of her car so that she wouldn’t drive away.

“I’m afraid of you, Jason, I’m afraid of you,” Olivia told him then.

“If you are afraid of me, why do you leave your children with me and go to another man?” - Sudeikis responded to this.

The nanny also revealed that just a month before Olivia went out with Harry, she sent Jason messages telling him she loved him. She continued to swim naked in the pool in front of him and sleep with him. In the end, Wilde still chose Harry Styles, who is 10 years younger than her.

Olivia Wilde
Olivia Wilde

The scandal between Wilde and Sudeikis also affected the nanny herself. When Jason found out that the woman had been communicating with Olivia, he immediately fired her without severance pay. Is that why she decided to give an interview?

Olivia and Jason's answer was not long in coming. Former lovers have already managed to comment on the revelations of their ex-employee.

“As parents, we are incredibly saddened to learn that the former nanny of our two young children has decided to publicly make false and indecent accusations against us,” the stars said.

Wilde decided not to limit herself to the official comment and published on social networks an excerpt from Nora Ephron’s novel, in which, apparently, “the same” recipe was published.

He threw himself under the wheels of a car, fired his nanny, went on a drinking binge: Jason Sudeikis lost his head from love for the unfaithful Olivia Wilde
Google images

So, write down: mix 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard and 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar; beat with a fork; Slowly pour in 6 tablespoons of olive oil until thick and creamy. Ideal with arugula.

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Photo: social networks, Legion-Media, Getty Images