Nikolaev, who was released from a psychiatric clinic, explained why he lost his temper and started a row after the accident.

Nikolaev, who was released from a psychiatric clinic, explained why he lost his temper and started a row after the accident

The actor is ready to start life from scratch.

Actor Valery Nikolaev has been at the epicenter of a scandal for several years in a row. Back in 2016, he was deprived of his license for a drunken traffic accident. Then he hit a pedestrian, but got away with losing his driver's license. He assured everyone that he was being persecuted: he often wore dark glasses, hinted that his phone was wiretapped and there was a tail behind it, he made scenes on the set, for which he was kicked out of projects, drank alcohol in large quantities and underwent long-term treatment in clinics.

Then everything calmed down a little, and many hoped that everything was in the past, but in February 2022 the situation repeated itself. Nikolaev was caught driving a foreign car without a driver's license, and traces of prohibited substances were found in his blood. Valery himself denied everything. 

Nikolaev, who was released from a psychiatric clinic, explained why he lost his temper and started a row after the accident
Valery Nikolaev

During the proceedings, he was placed in a special detention center, and a new show began there. He screamed, argued with his neighbor, made animal sounds, and then accused his cellmate of pouring boiling water on him. No burns were found on the actor’s body; mental problems were evident on his face, which is why he was sent to a psychiatric clinic.  

He didn't lie there as long as the first time. Now the 57-year-old actor has fully recovered and agreed to give an interview to Andrei Malakhov in his author’s program on the Rossiya-1 TV channel. 

Valery Nikolaev
Valery Nikolaev

Valery Nikolaev admitted that this year was difficult for him, but thanks to treatment and the support of family and friends, he managed to overcome his illness.

According to him, all the problems began in 2016 after the death of his father. He could not survive this loss and with all his actions he destroyed his work, relationships and personal life.

“Yes, I was in an illusion for a long time, I had some experiences, I stopped them, putting them off for later. And when you are in pain, you fall into a state of depression, and then you need people who can stabilize your condition. We need specialists,” the artist frankly admitted.

Nikolaev, who was released from a psychiatric clinic, explained why he lost his temper and started a row after the accident
Google images
Valery Nikolaev

It was the denial of professional help that led Valery to what happened. But now he is proud that he was able to return to life full of strength and ideas. All that remains is to settle the issue of work - there are no offers yet.

Valery Nikolaev
Valery Nikolaev

The story of scandals and mental hospitals, according to the artist, had a beneficial effect on his life. He now has the necessary time to rethink everything and prioritize correctly:

“I didn’t do something with myself. This helped me stop and turn to friends for help. Gradually get out of this. Without this help, I don’t know what would have happened,” Nikolaev admits.

He says special thanks to his wife Ela, who not only did not abandon him during this difficult period, but also supported him in every possible way.

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Photo: stills from the video, Persona Stars