Daughter Zavorotnyuk, who left Russia, is sad away from her seriously ill mother.

Daughter Zavorotnyuk, who left Russia, is sad away from her seriously ill mother

Anna said that she would celebrate the New Year with her husband. This time she refused the opportunity to spend the holiday with her family.

Quite recently it turned out that seriously ill Anastasia Zavorotnyuk has not lived in her country house for several months. Everyone's favorite artist was hospitalized in the oncology department of a private medical clinic. There she is under 24-hour medical supervision, and for now there are no plans to discharge Anastasia.

Daughter Zavorotnyuk also does not sit at home - she moved to Dubai with her husband.

Anna sadly informed subscribers on her blog that she would be celebrating the New Year away from her seriously ill mother.

Anna Zavorotnyuk
Anna Zavorotnyuk

“My husband and I are now in Dubai. And we will celebrate this New Year away from our relatives. But let's not talk about sad things. I’m still adapting to the new place and I want to say that I’m loving it so far!” — Anna shares her impressions.

She also said that a week before the holidays she became very ill, probably due to climate change: “Cough, throat - a complete bouquet! My voice was also hoarse, and for a couple of days I turned into an ensign.”

Of course, from the photographs with luxurious views of Dubai that Zavorotnyuk shares, it is difficult to imagine how much she misses her loved ones who remained in Russia.

Anna Zavorotnyuk
Anna Zavorotnyuk

Note that Anna periodically shares news related to the health of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Doctors say that the “beautiful nanny” has a chance of recovery. However, the fight against cancer has been going on for almost four years, but the most serious disease, glioblastoma, has not yet receded.

Relatives have been caring and supporting the actress all this time - husband Pyotr Chernyshov regularly visits Zavorotnyuk in the hospital.

No one from the star’s inner circle talks about her health. Relatives of the actress only occasionally notify her fans that the star is in a stable condition - and not a word more.

She is very sick... what else can I say, just pray for her,” asks Anna Zavorotnyuk.

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Photo: social networks