While the seriously ill Zavorotnyuk is in the clinic, the bailiffs are demanding money from her family.

While the seriously ill Zavorotnyuk is in the clinic, the bailiffs are demanding money from her family

The actress’s husband spends all the money he earns on her treatment.

Fans know almost nothing about the condition of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. Since 2018, the actress has been struggling with a serious disease - glioblastoma.

According to doctors, she has a chance of recovery, so there is no way to stop treatment. All these years, the actress has been holding up well and fighting the disease, and her family supports her. Everyone unconditionally believes that “Nanny Vika” will be able to overcome the disease. 

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshev
Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshev

Anastasia underwent her first course of treatment at a clinic in Germany, then domestic specialists took charge of her health. Recently she was in a country house in the village of Krekshino. However, since September, as it recently became known, Zavorotnyuk has been in a private oncology clinic in Moscow. Treatment here, as you might guess, is not cheap.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk
Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

As KP ​​journalists found out , the actress’s old debts were added to the bills for the clinic. The tax service demands 150.9 thousand rubles from the family of a seriously ill actress. Receipts for transport tax, payment for land, fines, penalties and insurance premiums, some of which have not been paid since 2014, have already been handed over to the bailiffs.

While the seriously ill Zavorotnyuk is in the clinic, the bailiffs are demanding money from her family
Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshev

Now only Pyotr Chernyshev is responsible for the finances of the family, who has to earn money, and go to his beloved, and take care of his family. Therefore, we are not surprised that the skater has no time for this. 

Tatiana Navka and Pyotr Chernyshev
Tatiana Navka and Pyotr Chernyshev

For participation in Tatiana Navka’s new show during the New Year holidays, Chernyshev will receive a fee of more than 3 million rubles. All the money earned will most likely go towards paying bills at the oncology clinic. 

Peter Chernyshev
Peter Chernyshev

Friends and colleagues understand how difficult it is for him, so they help as much as they can - sometimes they organize charity concerts, the money from which is given entirely to Anastasia for treatment.

According to Tatyana Navka, Zavorotnyuk’s husband has been having a very hard time lately, but he doesn’t give up. And we wish him more strength and patience.

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Photo: social networks, Evgeny Nikolaev/ProPedia