Seriously ill Anastasia Melnikova: “If I’m allowed, I’ll go to a monastery”.

Seriously ill Anastasia Melnikova: “If I’m allowed, I’ll go to a monastery”

The actress humbly accepts her fate and dreams of only one thing - recovery and peace.

In recent years, Russians have begun to notice that the star of “Streets of Broken Lanterns” Anastasia Melnikova has changed a lot in appearance. Behind such changes is a serious illness, the name of which the actress carefully hides.

The people's favorite has gained a lot of weight. According to Melnikova, at first she had a very hard time with these changes, and at some point she even covered up all the mirrors in the apartment.

Hormonal medications prevent the actress from getting back into shape - as soon as she stops taking them, her weight begins to return to normal. But you can’t go without treatment: here you have a choice - health or figure.

At some point, Melnikova was so ill that she even had to transfer to a wheelchair, and only two months later the actress regained the ability to walk.

Anastasia Melnikova
Anastasia Melnikova

Anastasia Melnikova underwent four operations. Now the artist feels much better and speaks with warmth and gratitude about the doctors who are monitoring her condition.

Anastasia periodically plays in plays, gives interviews, sometimes attends shows, but has not yet been able to completely get rid of the disease.

The treatment continues, and the artist is determined to defeat the disease. My immediate plans are to find peace in a monastery in the Leningrad region.

Anastasia Melnikova
Anastasia Melnikova

“We really want to go to the Zelenetsky Monastery. If I am allowed, Masha will take me there on the afternoon of January 6 (Christmas Eve), and then we will go back. We were told that there was a cell there where we could spend the night. We’ve already gone once in the summer, but we’ve never been in the winter,”  the actress shared .

Whether the actress wants to go once or stay there for a while is still unknown - she thinks for herself.

Anastasia Melnikova
Anastasia Melnikova

Now Anastasia Melnikova is not discouraged and is doing everything possible to distract herself and her loved ones from negative thoughts. So, she celebrated the New Year in the company of her daughter.

“Everything is traditional: candles, a beautiful tablecloth, beautiful dresses. A traditional table that my mother taught me. Everything was as always. We remembered our family and friends, without whom we found ourselves for the first time,” said the 53-year-old star of TV detectives.

We wish Anastasia good health and a speedy recovery.

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Photo: Legion-Media, stills from video