85-year-old Ivan Krasko and his 25-year-old wife showed “holy” love.

85-year-old Ivan Krasko and his 25-year-old wife showed “holy” love

The young wife of Ivan Krasko never tires of proving to the public that she is endlessly happy in her marriage to the actor. In her microblog, Natalya publishes touching selfies and confesses her love to her husband.

The gossip about the union of Ivan and Natalya Krasko, whose age difference is 60 years, has not subsided for several months in a row. However, the actress herself does not pay attention to gossip, and sometimes even adds fuel to the fire by posting tender photos with her husband on social networks and dedicating poems to him . Either the girl will show her subscribers a passionate kiss with her elderly husband, or she will boast of cute gifts from him.

This time, Natalya posted a selfie with the actor on her microblog, providing it with a romantic caption: “Simply love. The most real and holy,” Krasko captioned a photo on Instagram in which she posed in an embrace with her husband.

The girl, of course, deleted the negative comments from her followers, but left the kind words of her fans: “I wish you love and happiness. The main thing in life is love and health, everything else will come with time”, “And let it always be like this!”, “You are wonderful, we wish you great happiness”, “What a beauty and what a man. Your couple is a fairy tale” (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors have been preserved - note by ProPedia), wrote Internet users.

Let us note that Natalya Krasko is already accustomed to criticism of herself and does not expect the public to approve of her marriage: the actress believes that ordinary people cannot understand such love . The couple's wedding, which took place in September 2015, caused widespread public outcry . The couple gave a lot of interviews, proving that everything was real between them, but many still did not believe in the sincerity of the couple’s feelings .

But the actor’s relatives warmly welcomed Natalya : now Krasko lives with Ivan Ivanovich’s little grandson, Kirill, and his mother Margarita, the widow of the artist’s late son, Andrei. True, due to such cramped living conditions, the newlyweds cannot yet have children , but Natalya dreams of becoming a mother and giving her beloved a son. In the meantime, the girl is directing her unspent energy into creativity: the actress is busy in several performances and is preparing to release her first poetry book.